SakuHina - Storm

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Summary: There's some rain and then Hinata and Sakura have a little discussion about crushes

Mature: No

Pairing(s): SakuHina, slight mention of one-sided NaruHina, mention of InoSai

Word Count: 946

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Hinata looked at her reflection in the mirror, bored. Her long, purple hair had, at some point, became her least favorite physical feature. Sure, it gained many compliments, but the long strands were a pain to maintain and she constantly got large tangles. At her cousin's suggestion, she had been thinking of dying it. Then again, maybe a cut would be better. Hinata huffed in exasperation before looking away from the mirror and exiting the bathroom. 

Neji had recently left on a mission to Suna and would be missing for a long time, considering it was a prolonged visit. Sai and Naruto had also left on a mission, although theirs was due to return in less than a week. Yamato and Kakashi had accompanied them, for some undisclosed reason. This left Hinata alone besides her friends Kiba and Shino, both of which were currently hanging out with separate people. She sighed, feeling a bit lonely. 

Of course, there was always TenTen, Ino, and Sakura. Maybe one of them could hang out with her. She glanced out the window, noting the overcast weather and wondering if it was going to rain. 

"Well, Sakura's house is not too far from here, I can probably make it if it starts storming on the way," she thought out loud. Grabbing a jacket, Hinata hurried out the door. She looked up at the sky, immediately noticing the darkening clouds. Hinata picked up her pace to a jog, and managed to arrive at Sakura's house right as rain started dropping from the sky. 

"Come in, hurry,  before you get soaked!" Sakura urged as she opened the door, allowing the Hyuuga entrance. "What's with the sudden visit?" 

Hinata sighed in response. "A mixture of boredom and loneliness, I suppose." Sakura seemed surprised as she helped Sakura out of her jacket. 

"So how've you been recently?" Sakura asked awkwardly. There was a slight tension between the tow, since it had been quite a long while since they had hung out alone. 

"Ah, I've been good. Neji's out on a mission and no one is ever home anymore," she huffed, wondering why life always had to leave her alone. 

"Any new developments or anything I should know about?" Sakura asked, and Hinata knew exactly what she was getting at. A while ago, the last time they had spent time together, Hinata had mentioned having a crush on Naruto. Of course, Sakura was extremely excited about this, two of her friends possibly liking each other and getting into a relationship. Evidently this had never come to pass, and Hinata had lost interest in the blond a short while after, learning it was only a mixture of loving him like a brother and admiration. 

"No. I gave up on him a long time ago, honestly," she said, and Sakura visibly relaxed a little. Hinata was confused at Sakura's behavior but kept her mouth shut. 

"Well, since we're on the topic of love lives, did you hear about Sai and Ino?" Sakura asked. 

"No? What happened? Are they alright?" Hinata asked as they moved out of the doorway and into the living room. Sakura plopped down in the closest chair, and Hinata relaxed on the couch. 

"They are together now! Isn't that awesome!" Sakura said excitedly. Her eyes were upturned in happy U's. Hinata smiled weakly. She was genuinely happy for the two, they deserved to be happy with each other, but it had only brought her back to the topic of being left alone. Watching as Sakura celebrated with herself, Hinata realized the pink-haired kunoichi was also single and had never mentioned being interested in anyone. 

"Say, Sakura, have you ever liked anyone?" Hinata asked out of the blue, causing Sakura to pause. Her face twisted into a sheepish grin. 

"Well there is this one person. . ." she said. Hinata listened eagerly, waiting for Sakura to reveal who it was. "They're really sweet, and always put everyone else's happiness above their own."

"They." Hinata raised on eyebrow. 

"Well about that. . .I like a girl," Sakura said quietly, averting her eyes from Hinata's. The purple-haired girl gasped, wondering how she had never noticed. Come to think of it, that would explain why Sakura never really joined in on their discussions about boys. 

"Who? Who is it?" Hinata asked, a mixture of confusion and excitement swirling in her stomach. There could not be many girls Sakura was close enough to have a crush on, right? Temari was usually in Suna, and TenTen was usually on missions. That left Ino and herself. And, of course, Ino was in a relationship. 

"Ah- um-" Sakura momentarily choked on her own spit, looking around the room for an escape, "A-Ayame!" Hinata's surprise was evident for a moment before it turned to unmasked suspicion. Why would Sakura like the girl who worked at the ramen stand, not to mention she was several years older than them. 

"You're lying aren't you? You barely ever talk to Ayame!" she interrogated Sakura, watching the other struggle for an answer. 

"No, I'm not lying!" Sakura exclaimed, pouting and turning away. 

"You're definitely lying, Sakura. Don't think you can fool me, we have been friends since forever," Hinata said. 

"Fine!" Sakura huffed, turning back. She stood up, her fists clinched at her sides. 

"I have a crush. .  .a crush," Sakura was struggling to get her words out, "I have a crush on you." 

The words slammed into Hinata, leaving her stunned. 


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