SasuNaru - Coffee

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Summary: Coffee and friends.

Mature: No

Word Count: 880

Pairings: Sasunaru, mention of SakuHina

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Sakura laughed at Naruto's stupidity, watching as the blond picked himself up from the puddle. Pure disappointment practically radiated from the boy, as he realized he had somehow slipped before jumping directly into the puddle and face planting. Mud covered every part of his pants from the knee down, and there were scuff marks covering the forearms of his orange jacket.

"My jeans are soaked," he said in annoyance, holding his arms away from his sides to avoid getting mud on the rest of his jacket. Sakura was still laughing, clutching her sides. Naruto smiled slightly at the sight before taking in the uncomfortable feeling of wet socks and squishy shoes. Naruto sighed.

"Well, we can still go get coffee and talk about boys, I suppose," Naruto said, trying not to let his puddle fall dampen the mood.

"And girls," Sakura added on, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Naruto laughed and nodded, before turning and heading towards the small coffee shop. He tried his hardest not to mind the unpleasant squish that echoed every time he took a step.

"Oh! I see it, I see it!" Sakura cheered, pointing to the quaint little coffee shop across the street. Naruto clapped once before looking for the nearest crosswalk and dragging Sakura to it.

"I'm gonna get a large hot chocolate and some coffee cake," Naruto rehearsed as he walked across the street with Sakura. She raised an eyebrow at his behavior but made no comment as Naruto often acted out of the norm. They arrived at the door, pulling it open and stepping inside. A wave of heat hit them, contrasting the slight chill of the spring air. As soon as the door shut behind them and they were fully inside, Naruto took in the familiar scent of coffee and chocolate drifting in the air. Sakura relaxed beside him. Both Naruto and Sakura were huge fans of this cafe, and they often came after school to study.

They stepped into line to order, and the process went fairly quick, leaving the two to sit down and wait for their names to be called. They sat in comfortable silence and just as Naruto was going to bring up Sakura's crush on his other best friend, their names were called.

"Haruno, large iced, Uzumaki, large hot chocolate!" a voice called out. Sakura began to stand up, but Naruto was on his feet quicker, telling her to stay where she was and strolled over to grab their drinks. He weaved his way through the small line waiting and approached the counter, where he was met with a dark haired man. The male was currently working his way quickly through a group of drinks and a pile of straws, trying to get out the names in quick succession and get the drinks to the people. Naruto grabbed the cups, hesitated for a moment, and spoke.

"Thanks for the coffee," he said, turning away from the counter. What he didn't see, however, was the onyx-eyed male look up and freeze, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. Then, as a frown crept over his face, he turned back to the drinks. Naruto made his way back over to the table and placed the cups down in front of him. Sakura, who had seen the whole scene, was trying not to smirk.

"So... Hinata?" Naruto said with a wide smile. Sakura glared at him as she blushed profusely.

"I thought we came here to talk about your love life?" Sakura pondered. Naruto narrowed his eyes and brought his hot chocolate to his mouth. "And it looks to me like that barista over there had his eye on you." Naruto seemed surprised and whipped his head around to where the black haired male was working. Then, right as he was about to tear his eyes away from the man, the boy looked up, his eyes coming into direct contact with Naruto's. The blond gasped and looked away, covering his face in his hands out of embarrassment.

"Did that actually just happen?" Sakura said, clutching her stomach in laughter. Naruto groaned.

"My life has ended, it's official."

After a few minutes, both calmed down and sunk into a comfortable conversation about schoolwork and the overbearing weight of a human's crushing existence.

Eventually, Sakura checked her phone and voiced her need to leave. Naruto nodded and picked his cup up, taking it over to the trashcan. Sakura did the same and hugged the boy before departing. Naruto sighed and sat back down in his chair, opening his phone. This lasted for around thirty seconds before someone came to stand by his table.

"You know, if you aren't going to order anything, you might have to leave," someone said. Naruto's head flew up, and his eyes immediately met those of the black haired male's. "Also, it's not very nice to stare at people."

Naruto groaned and began hoping for the sweet release of death.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Naruto only shrugged in response.

"What's your name?"

"Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki."

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I was wondering if you would want to go grab some food with me tomorrow at 6?"

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