NaruSasu - Swing 2

587 13 2

Pairing: NaruSasu (it's fluff bc I suck at angst fbwpbfire)

Mature: No. (and probably never will be tbh I can't write that stuff-)

Word Count: 1274

Sorry for my long absence. I've been going through a series of stress-filled school days, multiple bouts of quarantine in which my mental health plummeted, and some weekly sessions of anxiety. Hope to get back onto at least an update every week. Sincerely, Z. 

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Sasuke groaned. As always, his boyfriend was being stupid. In public. The raven had no clue how the blond continued to embarrass himself to no end. On this specific occasion, Naruto had started playing around on the splash pad that was made for toddlers and elementary-level students. As his boyfriend childishly stood on one of the faucets, blocking the flow of water, Sasuke could not help but grin. 

A few minutes later, Naruto finally finished his small water session and came hurrying over to Sasuke, much to the relief of a handful of slightly concerned parents. Naruto's hand shot out as if asking Sasuke for a towel. 

"I don't have one, idiot. I wasn't exactly planning on you jumping around in some sprinklers made for four-year-olds," Sasuke muttered, pushing Naruto's soggy hand away. The blond's smile turned upside down for a brief moment before returning to its natural smile. 

"Well I guess we'll have to dry the car after we get to your apartment, huh?" Naruto said cheerfully, almost teasingly, as Sasuke momentarily died inside. 

"I suppose we will." Sasuke huffed and turned away from the younger boy; however, he did not forget to grab Naruto's hand and intertwine their fingers. Sasuke knew the teasing was coming before it escaped the other's mouth. 

"I thought you didn't like PDA, teme," the smirk was evident in his voice; similarly, Naruto knew Sasuke was going to roll his eyes before the words even formed on his lips.

According to their friends, they were the epitome of a perfect couple. The younger was bright, always had a smile on his face, and was comparable to the sun. Naruto had remained the sunshine of the group since their high school days when the couple had first gotten together. Sasuke, on the other hand, was withdrawn, slightly aggressive toward strangers, and completely unnerved in social situations involving large numbers of people. They were complete opposites, one day and one night; this fact, probably, was what made them fit together like puzzle pieces in the eyes of their friends. 

Sai and Ino, the only other couple that had been together since high school, had mentioned being jealous of the two's effortless dynamic. Naruto always knew what Sasuke was thinking, and Sasuke always knew what stupidly adorable action Naruto was about to commit before it happened. Sakura, one of their closest friends, had spent enough time around the two to know they worked perfectly in sync. Because of all these words and observations by their friends, Sasuke had decided to finally tie the knot with Naruto--make their love eternal, if you will. 

Of course, he had needed a great deal of encouragement from a large number of his closest relatives and acquaintances. Lee, Neji, and Shikamaru had spent hours one night hyping him up at a local sushi place, only for Sasuke to turn around and almost return the ring he had bought. Upon revealing to news to Gaara, TenTen, and Hinata while out eating ramen--this had been done in secret without Naruto's knowledge--they had expressed significant happiness that the two were finally getting married, and all three had offered to help him propose if need be. Sasuke, not knowing what to say, had only nodded and smiled like an idiot.

And now, Sasuke was leading the water-covered love of his life to his car. He furrowed his brow. It was time he did this. No chickening out, no turning back; just think of how happy Naruto would be. There was no doubt in Sasuke's mind that the blond would say yes. 

They reached the car, a black four door that Sasuke had purchased after the other had been utterly destroyed in a hydroplaning accident on the interstate. Of course, Sasuke had been sad to see his first car, the one he had driven Naruto to their first dates in, be towed up to a scrapyard, but life only kept moving.

 Naruto laughed as he sat down in the passenger seat, and Sasuke cringed at the amount of water that would soak into the seat before they reached the park. Taking his place on the driver side, Sasuke placed the key in the ignition, turning it, and mentally preparing himself for what was going to be one of the craziest moments of his life. The car pulled out of the parking space as Sasuke tried to keep up small talk with Naruto, trying not to reveal anything to the unsuspecting boy. 

The drive was painfully slow in Sasuke's mind, dragging along just as the watch on his wrist ticked away. Finally, though, they reached the park. Naruto had a look of confusion and he turned to Sasuke with his mouth ajar slightly. 

"What are we doing at the park?" he asked, glancing toward the playground. 

"Do you want me to push you on the swing?" Sasuke asked, attempting to keep his voice from rising to a squeak out of anticipation. 

"Yes! Usually you don't bring me here on your own. . ." Naruto trailed off, narrowing his eyes and looking at Sasuke out of the corner of his eye. Sasuke gave him a nervous smile and stepped out of the car without saying a word in reply. It did not take Naruto long to forget his previous thoughts as he pulled himself out of the car and raced away toward the swingset. Sasuke grinned. He remembered when Naruto was still a high schooler, enjoying the simple things in life like breaking his own arm and making himself sick off ramen. Now the boy was so much more to him. 

Unlike other visits to the park, Sasuke picked up his pace to keep up with the blond. Naruto was so surprised he almost tripped, but Sasuke's arm kept him upright. 

"What, I can't ran with you for once?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Naruto shook off his surprise as they sprinted toward the swings. It only took a few moments to arrive, the younger beelining for the swing closest to the pole. Nothing had changed about Naruto in that respect since they first started dating. 

Sasuke laughed as Naruto playfully stomped his foot on the ground, prompting Sasuke to hurry up and start pushing him. However, the raven stepped in front of Naruto, and leaned down to give the other a kiss. 

"Hey, what was that for!" Naruto yelled, turning away from Sasuke, "You said would push me on the swing." Sasuke merely ignored his complaints and got down on one knee producing a ring from his pocket. The blond, still sulking, failed to notice Sasuke's position. 


Naruto turned, surprised by Sasuke's warm tone. When he took in Sasuke propped on one knee, holding to a ring to him, he gasped. Slapping a hand over his mouth, Naruto tried to ignore the tears springing into his eyes. 

"Will you marry me, dobe?" he smiled at the younger. Naruto let a tear slip down his cheek before nodding rapidly. 

"Yes! Yes! Oh my god!" he said, surprise and pure joy leaking into his voice. Sasuke slipped the ring onto his hand before pulling Naruto out of the swing and planting a kiss on his lips. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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