Now, Let's Try That List

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After Glimmer left the room, I flopped on the bed and waited for Damon, here's basically how it went down

1: Tell him your caste

He walked into my room with a smug look on his face. I rolled my eyes and sat up. "excited to see me?" he asked flirtily and winked.

"No" I said bluntly an he pretended to be hurt by putting his hand over his heart and looking down solemnly "by the way, you should know I'm a six so you'll have to provide for my friend Grace all the time if you keep me here" I stated with a smirk.

"I wouldn't worry about that, I already have a room in the castle for her that she can use until she takes the princess suite, you know, when we move in together" he winked again and sat beside me.

I moved away slightly but he pulled me closer "So I'm staying?" I asked with a frown.

"That's right, you're gonna be here for a long time" well, that didn't work...

2. Get clingy

The next day, I approached him at breakfast "if you want me to stay here, we have to spend all of our time together, we're going on a walk today" I said plainly then walked away. he stood there an I turned around "are you coming?" I asked impatiently and crossed my arms.

"I- uh- yeah, on my way" he said, confused.

I grabbed his hand and started walking really close to him "so I think we should do this every day and just spend the whole day together all the time, and you won't see any of the other girls"

His eyes lit up "really? yeah! of course, I would love that!" he said excitedly.

"Really?" I asked, bewildered "you don't think I'm being too clingy?"

He shook his head "no"

I threw up my hands in defeat "well, fuck this!"

3. Look ugly

That night, I didn't wear any makeup, I didn't brush my hair, and I wore loose pants with a t-shirt with holes in it.

I heard the knock and opened the door. He walked in and sat on my bed "I don't know if I'm really ready for any of this stuff, look at me, I don't even have my hair
bru-" I was cut off by a hand on my shoulder.

"You look almost exactly like you did the day we met" he smirked.

"Oh" I looked down disappointed "almost? What's different?"

"You're wearing pants, but that's fine, I can fix that..."



I knocked on Glimmer's door and she came out quickly, closing the door behind her. I crossed my arms "the list didn't work" I said "we should move on from making him hate me to making him like you"

She scratched her head awkwardly "Yeah, me and Louis are pretty happy together, so we're just gonna leave the castle together. Damon won't mind"

I stared at her, confused "who's Louis?"

She twisted her mouth to the side and awkwardly rolled her ankle "Louis' my boyfriend..."

I threw my hands up in frustration and stomped to Damon's room, frustratedly knocking on the door.

He opened the door quickly "what?!" he asked angrily "oh, Izzy, how's it going?" he leaned against the doorframe.

"Terrible! I'm so sick of this, I wanna go home, just send me home!" I started yelling, so frustrated by the moment.

"No, you don't, you're just saying that..." he said slowly.

"No, I wanna leave!" I yelled.

"No." he stated firmly.

"YES!!!" I screamed.

"Stop screaming, people will hear..." he said, getting a little frustrated.

"NO, I WON'T STOP SCREAMING, NOT UNTIL YOU LET ME GO HOME!!!" I was screaming so loud! with all of my strength.

But in one swift movement, Damon lifted his had and slapped me across the face.

But I Don't Wanna be a Princess... (Book #1 of the  distressed royals series)Where stories live. Discover now