Bring it on

44 2 3


I pulled out my notebook.

I had everyone written down from the start.

Bailey Rain

Frida Mae

Wendy Fay

Tilley Thompson

Diana Troy

Glimmer LaRue

And many more, gone.

The people left:

Tracy Hag

Nelly Nu

Shenisha Naynay

Kloe Holt

Beth McPherson

Alandra DelRay

Emma Dhackhel

Diane Gregor

Sara Hyliard

Kira Ward

Mikeala Brown

Devawn Trent - suspicious

Hannah Yen

Zayumalicious (No last name)


It was late at night but a knock still came.

I got up and opened it.

The person standing outside was none other than Damon the demon. "I don't wanna talk to you" I sighed and began closing the door.

"Good, skip the talking, get straight to it" he came in and closed the door behind him. "what's this?" he picked up the note book.


I looked down at the notebook and looked at the pages, there was only three lists.

1. List of ways to get rid of me

2. Girls sent home

3. Girls still here

"Why is Devawn suspicious?" I asked.

"She, or should I say he obviously used to be a man, just wants the throne" she shrugged.

"Maybe you should be helping me with the order of deletion"


"Yeah, what?"

"What are you? A cyberman?"

"I thought you were poor"

"What? So I'm not aloud to watch doctor who?"

"Hmm" I squinted.


"What are you thinking about?"

"How do you have my mom's journals?"

I bit my lip "my dad gave them to me right before he left" tears started to form in my eyes.

"Why did your dad have my mom's journals?"

"Because she didn't your dad to find them"


"Because my dad is in them"


"Do you really have that much trouble connecting the dots? My name is Izabel Leger"

"Your name is Izabel?"

"Shut up, that's not the point, never call me that."

"Well then what's wrong with Leger?"

"Your mom never told you?"

"Told me what?"

I picked up the three journals and handed them to him "Here, it's about her experience in her selection"

He smiled "thanks"

"Now, can you leave?" I asked.


"Because I'm still mad at you and if you stay, don't be surprised if I neuter you in your sleep" I smiled sweetly.

"Well, I better get going anyways" he quickly walked out of my room and shut the door behind him

I changed into my old shirt and went to bed.



The sound of an alarm clock woke me up.

But I didn't have an alarm clock.

I opened my eyes to see Damon standing over me holding and old style alarm clock.

He smiled "I see you're awake"

I rolled over and got up "turn that off, will ya?" I asked, annoyed. He immediately turned it off.

"Well get dressed" he motioned at me.

I slipped on some black high waisted skinny jeans and a flowery top. then I tied my hair in a ponytail then put in my lip ring. "did you inform everyone they have to get piercings too?"

He nodded "that part I did in private, everyone agreed"

"Okay, well we better get everyone up then"

"It's four in the morning" he motioned to the alarm clock.

"Then why'd you get me up?"

He grabbed my hand "follow me!" we ran down the hallways and stopped in the middle of one.

"Why are we here?"

"This is where we first met"

"If I remember correctly, I was against the wall"

He came closer and pinned me against the wall, his face less than a centimetre from mine "better?" he whispered.

But I Don't Wanna be a Princess... (Book #1 of the  distressed royals series)Where stories live. Discover now