The End

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While Alandra was screaming and crying, I had just enough time to slip out the door of the safe room to save Devawn.

Outside, all you could see, or hear for that matter, was yelling, fighting and the spill of innocent blood, it was the most awful thing I had ever experienced in my life, I knew it would traumatize me as soon as I saw it. But I needed to save Devawn.

I looked around in an attempt to find Devawn. Luckily, it didn't take long for me to spot the Southern Rebels taking him away. I couldn't let them take him, I mean, they were the Southern Rebels, a group who were known for killing, torture and even rape. If that happened to him now, it would be all my fault for not saving him, now, I had to do this.

I ran up to the group and, without thinking, swiftly elbowed one of the rebels right in the neck. They immediately fell to the floor, grasping their neck in pain. "Give back my friend" I demanded, an angry look in my eye. They didn't hesitate before they pushed him towards me.

"Here, take him" one spat "He's not even the prince" he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, I understood what was happening a second too late, he was already looking me up and down with interest.

"Devawn, go" I motioned to him. He nodded understandingly then ran back to the safe room as quickly as possible, obviously excited to go back and see Alandra.

I tried to run along with him, but the rebel who I had elbowed to the ground grabbed me by the ankle. The movement momentarily startled me, causing me to fall to the ground, I attempted to get up, but the other rebels grabbed me by the arms and legs and started carrying me away. I tried kicking and screaming, but it was no use, especially not with everything going on around me.

"Come on guys, I'm sure she'll be good enough, maybe even better, lets go." One of the men who was carrying me yelled. The fighting immediately stopped and all the Southern Rebels who filled the castle ran out the door, carrying me along with them. Well at least I saved Devawn...


It wasn't until I got back to the safe room that I realized Emma wouldn't be coming back for a while, I felt so bad, she had done all of that to save me and was rewarded with being taken herself. But I couldn't go back now, I would be taken too and her sacrifice would be for absolutely nothing.

Alandra saw me and a smile appeared on her bright red face, it was a nice thing to appear to mask the tear stains and the pain which she was obviously feeling. She immediately ran towards me, tightly wrapping her arms around my torso as if she planned to never let go.

I hoped she didn't. I savored the moment for as long as it lasted but savored the next far more.
She grabbed my face with both of her hands and pressed lips against mine with affection. The kiss was the most passionate one we had ever shared. It was so full of love. We opened our mouths and our tongues intertwined into a French kiss, the best one I had ever had. I held her shoulders and she he'd mine, lifting herself up so her legs wrapped around my waist. We were so deep into the moment that we forgot about our surroundings. I was so close to ripping her shirt off. But we were interrupted.

The passionate kiss was broken by an awkward cough from the other side of the room. Kira stood there and gave a tiny wave "well, everyone is still here so could you just dial it down for a second?" she asked awkwardly. We nodded and I slowly let Alandra down from around my waist to the ground.


After our practically endless kiss, Devawn and I sat on the couch together. I had my head resting on his shoulder comfortably and quietly. Everyone else just awkwardly stood around us while we waited for the all clear.

But I Don't Wanna be a Princess... (Book #1 of the  distressed royals series)Where stories live. Discover now