Turning the Tide of Burnt Marshmallow's Life

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Credit to saitokinako for the art! ( i think that's what it says)

I'm back! Also I'm sorry! This chapter was suppose to come out yesterday, but something came up with school so I had to postpone it. Any who I wanted to thank you guys so much. I never thought I would get this many reads. I especially didn't think that many people would find this interesting. I hope I keep your interest up as this goes on. Side note I started posting this on ao3 as well so if you want you can start reading it there.( I only have the first chapter, but it's something) Well any ways enjoy reading.


Waking up the next morning was eventful. There was crying, shouting and flying pancakes. The crying came from the baby, who was very hungry. The yelling came from the two boys who were arguing in the kitchen. Now the pancakes were a mystery of their own and had yet to be acknowledged.

Inko watch the chaos in front of her with slight concern. She had know for a while now that Izuku was sneaking out at night- though what he was doing she was still uncertain about. However she had never confronted him about it for two reasons. One is he wouldn't stop, he would just find another way to do whatever he was doing. Two is he was a relatively responsible person and wouldn't do anything that would harm "the innocent" as he would say. Yet now as she stood there  rocking the baby and watching her son, she couldn't help but wonder if her trust was slightly miss placed. How does one find a child with such childhood trauma and a baby? As a matter of fact how does one have a possibly criminal friend and not worry for their safety!?! 

A distressed shout of mom brought Inko out of her thoughts just in time to dodge one of the many pancakes that had their way a round the small apartment. Izuku and Dabi gave Inko sheepish smiles as they whispered small apologies. 

"Hey mom, since me and Dabi already ate, can I go and show him his new place? I clean up when I get back. I also want to introduce him to Kacchan and maybe go to the mall so he can get new clothes" Izuku said while listing each thing he wanted to do with Dabi on his fingers.

"Go ahead Izu. I'm sure Dabi is excited the see where he will be staying. I'm going to take the baby to the police station and see if we can found out who her parents where. Then I'm going to see if I can get adoption papers there so she can officially be a part of the family" Inko said as she fed the baby who had stopped crying.

Giving his mother a big grin, Izuku grabbed Dabi's hand and dragged him out the door. He didn't stop until he reached the elevator. Dabi watched the happy bush as they stood there in silence, thinking. Why would he help him? Why were his mother and him so kind?  Almost like he had read his mind, Izuku turned to Dabi and gave him a gentle smile. 

"We help because it is the right thing to do. Besides who knows, each kind action can impact the world in different ways. Also mom totally would have adopted you, but that would mean we would have to say we have and you seemed like you wanted to be on your own for the most part."

Dabi stared at the child in front of him in slight awe. It had been awhile since he had crossed paths with someone willing to do things for others because it was the right thing to do. The world could be cruel and selfish yet he had gotten lucky enough to meet the kind part. It only took the boys a few minutes to reached the correct floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened Izuku was, once again, dragging Dabi to the door that would lead to his new housing.  In side the small apartment Dabi was meet with a nicely furnish entryway with the Livingroom on the left and Kitchen/ dinning on the right. Stairs led up to what he assumed to be the bedrooms and bathroom. The place in itself felt homey like the Midoriya residence.

"This is where you will be staying. You will be expected for dinner so you won't be eating alone unless you tell us other wise" Izuku said pulling Dabi from his observations. "Now that you've seen your new home lets get you some necessities. Forward hoe! Daylight won't stay forever so move your butt patchwork! We have a long day ahead of us!"

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