Midnight Strangers Are So Interesting

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Credit to the artist whom ever you are! 

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know I'm sorry for not updating sooner, but things have been a bit on the busy side. I'm going to be taking time off in Jan. to catch up with some things and will return in Feb. I hope you all have a wonderful time! Happy New years!


2 months. That's how long it took for Inko and Mitsuki to figure out the boys were doing something they shouldn't. Well, scratch that, they knew Katsuki was doing something he should. It was quite simple really. One night when Izuku was staying over with the Bakugos he decided to go on patrol. Little Bakugo, like usual, stayed back to gave him advice and info from the comfort of his room. Mitsuki just so happen to wake up thirst that night, so when she passed her son's room and heard muffled talking, you can be sure that she was suspicious.  She decided to opened the door and found him on his computer looking at mugshots of people, things didn't end well. Katsuki and Izuku tried to make up the excuse that they were trying to pair criminals with the heroes who were involved with their arrest, but nothing worked. In the end Katsuki had to turn in his electronics by a certain time every night. This discovery however didn't stop Izuku though, how could it? He had planned to be a vigilante even before Bakugo got involved so he had everything figured out. So five days a week Nitro would go out and help where he could, slowly becoming included in the stopping of bigger crimes. Izuku also made it a routine thing to take a moment to say hi to the teen who happened to always hang around the same spot. Things were going with relative ease during his patrols until  the fateful night he acquired a sister. 


"Holding on by a thread, don't worry my friend, for everything will be okay" Izuku sang as he and Handyman sat on the edge of a building. 

It had been a relatively slow night with just a few mugging, so he decided to hit up his possible criminal friend that tries to kill him every once in a while. He had manage to pester the dude enough to get a name and his reluctant friendship. He called himself Tomura Shigaraki, though after search him, Izuku came to the conclusion that it was a fake, but a name none the less.

"Yo Tomura, I got somethin' I wanna ask you."


"Are you or do you know who Tenko Shimura is? I was looking into some cases that had never been finished and his caught my eye. His family was discovered in their forever sleep and he just went missing. He would be about your age now." Izuku said as he watched his friend from the corner of his eye.

It was a one of the rare nights where Tomura didn't have the hand on his face, so Izuku could see his face shift from a scowl to a frown then back again. Even if he had had the hand on, the tensing of his body gave him away. He knew something of the subject. What he wasn't expecting was for is mentally questionable friend to give a defeated sigh, as he laid back against the roof.

"Nothing ever gets past you and it's so annoying. Yeah, I'm Tenko."

"Well then, one more point for me. That brings us to 15 for me and 4 for you!" Izuku declared cheerily.

"Yeah, whatever. We both know you're going to find out my entire life story by the time I find out what you're scared of" The now dubbed Tenko grumbled. Why had he agreed to this? Why place 300 dollars on the line for an extreme level of 20 questions? He will never know, but he will forever regret it. He can't fully complain since he actually made a friend, which is a term he would never agree to out loud.

"So, is there anything in particular that  you would like to do tonight. Maybe a race through the allies, reflex test, skinny dipping at the beach, some random card game -" Izuku was interrupted by a large column of blue flames shooting out from a nearby alley way. 

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