Determination is Key!

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Today is the day Izuku thought as he bounced up in down in the quirk doctor's waiting room. He would finally find out what type of quirk he had so he can be a great hero. Glancing over at his mom he saw her rubbing her hands together nervously. The doctor had come in after the different test they did and requested an x-ray be done. Trying not to worry himself he continued to repeat his train of thought only to stop as the door opened to reveal their doctor. Said doctor made his way over to the Midoriyas with an expression that was hard to read.

"Well I don't know how to put this so I'll just out right say it. Ms. Midoriya your son is quirkless."

Those words caused the lone mother to freeze. Glancing down at her child despair slowly creeping into her being.

"A-are you positive doctor? Do you have any proof?" Inko asked, voice quivering slightly.

"Right here" The Doctor said pointing to the x-ray in hand. "He has two pinky two joints. To be more streamline those with quirks have only one. Though this is nothing to worry about there is a chance he can get a quirk albeit quite small. If he is placed in a situation that places him in overbearing stress or one where he might not survive his body can force a quirk. That is considering both of his parents have quirks."

"That's terrible! He is only a child! Why in the world would he be in any sort of situation like that? Or more specifically, why would you insinuate I put my son through that!?" Inko practically screamed, her face showing a mixture of anger and horror at the news. Not wanting to be in that room longer she picked up Izuku before briskly turning to the door and exiting. She made a mental note to call the office of the facilities and talk to the head of the department later. Lost in her own thoughts Inko was brought back to reality with a small sniffle. In her arms a little Izuku could be found trying his best not to cry simply because heroes don't cry. Giving him a sad smile the quiet mother rubbed soft circles across her sons back.

"Don't worry baby everything is going to ok. We'll find a different way for you to become a hero. You don't need a quirk to be one. Now lets cheer up ok? I mean after all its still some's birthday and daddy is coming home to celebrate, remember?" Inko said soothingly to the small boy in an attempt to cheer him up. 

Thankfully at the mention of his father Izuku perked right up. He loved his father dearly. Now Hisashi Midoriya wasn't a hero, but he did work with plenty of them considering he created support items. Though in all honesty this wasn't what fascinated Izuku, no as a matter of fact it was his fathers quirk. See Hisashi could breathe fire and when Izuku was merely a baby he would put on mini shows with his fire to entertain him. This lead little Midoriya to have an affinity to fire that grew as he did. Now a bit happier the two Midoriyas made their way home. Once in the house they were greeted with a delightful surprise. Waiting for them near the entrance to their small apartment stood Hisashi and the Bakugos, their family friends.

"Happy Birthday Champ!" Hisashi exclaimed taking Izuku from Inko and spun him around before placing him on the ground. As soon as he had his footing Izuku raced over to his best friend, Katsuki Bakugo.

"You brats go play while we decorate the dining room and get the cake ready. We'll call you when everything is ready" Mitsuki  said ruffling the boys hair as the other adults made their way to the kitchen.

"So Deku you went to the quirk doctor today didn't you? What's your quirk?" Bakugo asked as they made their way to Izuku's room. This caused Izuku to frown. How was he supposed to tell his bestfriend he didn't have a quirk? Then an idea came to mind.

"You promise that no matter what I say we'll still be friends, right Kacchan?"

"Yeah I promise."

"You promise on our friendship?"

"Of course dummy. You can't go a back on a promise like that."

"Ok" Izuku said taking a deep breathe. "I-I'm quirkless, but my mommy said I can still be a hero. We can still be a hero team."

Bakugo stood there seemingly frozen as he took in the information his best friend had bestowed upon him. After what seemed like an eternity, but was really 3 minutes, he gave a slow nod.

"Ok, but how are up going to be a hero?" he asked watching his friend closely.

To this little Midoriya shrugged. In truth he was still thinking about it to. As the two continued their ascend to Izuku's room he was hit with an exemplary idea. Daddy makes stuff to help heroes, so he can help me build stuff to became a hero. I'll have to ask him later, Izuku thought. Accepting the fact his friend didn't know how he was going to accomplish their dreams, Bakugo put it aside in his mind. Today was going to be fun and nothing was going to get him down. After that the boys played until it was time to celebrate. The rest of the day went by in a blur for the happy families. Once the Bakugos left Izuku had to get ready for bed. When was done his dad went to tuck him in to bed.

"Hey daddy, can you help me be a hero with your inventions?" Izuku asked sleepily.

Hisashi smiled fondly at his son. While they were decorating Inko had told him about the quirk results. 

"Of course Champ. You're going to be the best hero there ever freaking was" He said before placing a kiss on top of his sons head.

"Get some sleep. We'll start work tomorrow."

"Ok, goodnight daddy!"

" 'Night Champ."

Ready, Set, FIRE! (Vigilante Deku)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora