Growth and Burning Things to The Ground Pt. 1

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Hey everyone! So sorry about my update change and lack of updates. I had hoped to have this done sooner, but I became an instrument instructor so..... Anyways I plan on making this bit into 2 parts which will explain why the chapter is much shorter than usual. Sorry for that as well. Things have started to stabilize on my end so things should go a lot smoother for updates. On that note enjoy the chapter!


Two weeks after Izuku and Inko had gotten Dabi and Eri situated into their new lives, a new member joined their ranks. Though this time around it wasn't Izuku who brought in the new family member. Hisashi had told his co-workers that he was going to take a week off so he could meet his new family members and took the first flight to Japan. When he landed he grabbed his bag and pulled it over his shoulder before starting his jog to the apartment. On his way, he heard crying coming from the alleyway. Being the sensible person he is, Hisashi grabbed his gun from its holster and went to check. What he found tore at his heart. There hidden behind a dumpster sat a girl who seemed just slightly older than Izuku. Her blond hair matted while dried blood covered her clothes and face. It took him a bit of persuading, but after half an hour he managed to get the malnourished girl to climb on his back. Once she was on he raced the rest of the way home. Never slowing, he burst into the house. Inko had been sitting at the dining table when she heard the commotion. She wasted no time in grabbing the first-aid kit and making her way to the front. The sight she had faced surprised her in more ways than one, but she shook it off and got to work. After the girl had had three days of rest, she was officially adopted into the Midoriya family. Izuku was happy with the turn of events until a month had passed.


"I don't get it. If you were so against it before, why not bring it up then?"

"Because then it was different, we are living with different circumstances now. Please try to understand Izuku. I only want what's best for the family and being a vigilante isn't it. Nor is the blue-haired kid, I'm not even sure if -"

"STOP!" Izuku yelled, cutting Inko off. "Can't you hear yourself? We are helping them because they need it. I am working to get Tenko OUT of where he is. I'm gathering information on Endeavor so Dabi can take him to court and WIN. I can't just stop and you shouldn't just give up on people who are suffering. We can help them, but clearly, you don't see that."

Silence was all that followed Izuku's outburst. Himiko, the new family addition, and Eri were upstairs listening to the argument below. No one dared to breathe in the silence. Finally, Izuku gave a frustrated sigh as he got up and made his way to the door.

"Ya know, it baffles me how you're so willing to adopt children in need, support the dream of a quirkless child, yet you can't help those who aren't a part of the family. Speaks volumes" Izuku said as he opened the front door and left.

He needed to clear his head and the only way to do that was to watch something turn to ash. Grabbing his phone he sent a quick text to Dabi telling him to meet him in front of Bakugos house. After that, he texted Tenko to meet him in front of his apartment complex, then proceeded to turn his notification off and pocketed his phone. By the time he had made it to the front of the complex, Tenko was already waiting for him.

"What's up?" he asked

"Got into an argument with mom and needed a distraction" Izuku muttered while he continued to walk.

Tenko just nodded and followed as they made their way to a neighborhood close by. Stopping in front of a large tan house they meet up with Dabi and Bakugo before heading out.

"Where are we going?" Dabi asked as they made their way to the train.

"There's this building up for demolition and I'm going to have a hand in its destruction," Izuku explained.

The three boys accompanying him stared at him in confusion, though all thought better than to ask more. It seemed that Izuku was deep in thought. Of what, well no one ever knew. It wasn't until the train stopped for a third time that Izuku shook himself from his stupor to exit. His friends were close behind, letting Izuku pull himself together. By the time he was in a better frame of mind they had walked the block that it took to get to an old dilapidated hotel.

"This used to be a well liked place before they had a change of management and then it all went to crap. It was set to be brought down this coming Monday, but there's nothing saying it can't be done earlier" Izuku explained with a slight smile. The prospect of something burning down lifting his mood up.

"How do you plan on doing that idiot?"

Izuku looked to his friends and gave them a sweet smile that could rival the sun.

"That's simple. We're burning this baby to the ground!"

Tenko and Dabi glanced at each other, concern written all over their faces. No one should be able to smile like that while planning arson.

"Come on, let's do this thing!" Izuku exclaimed, running straight into the rundown building.

Ready, Set, FIRE! (Vigilante Deku)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora