Stuck in Camp Rivers - Chapter 19

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Sorry for being late, I was going to make a longer chapter but like, jeeez I shall upload faster so I kind of cut it in half.

I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes. I type like a freaking tazmanian devil and I don't pay attention to what I'm writing so....*nods awkwardly*

vote/comment/like/fan <3



Chapter 19.


I couldn't believe my ears right now. There was no way that Peyton was telling the truth. Her and Spencer were twins? The infamous Spencer Rivers? No way, that cannot be true. It's impossible.

"It's true..." Peyton said, catching my absolute shock. "Sometimes I can barely wrap my own head around it--"

"Tell me you're joking."

"I'm not joking," she sighed, almost defeatingly. "Same blood. Same genes. Same--"

"How did I not figure this out?" I asked, mostly to myself as I scowled at my lap. Now that I look back on it, Spencer and Peyton do look alike, to a fair extent. They've both got the same piercing blue eyes. Blue eyes, brown hair....Hell, how did I not see that coming?

But let's be honest, who would see that coming? Like Peyton said, Katrina was the only one who knew about them.

"Fuck," was all I could manage to say at the moment. I feel like a huge load was dropped down onto my shoulders for some reason. It's not a huge deal, the fact that they're twins....I don't know. I guess it's just, fairly shocking. Yeah, it's pretty damn shocking.

"Don't tell anybody, Blaire, please," Peyton's blue eyes bored into mine as she pleaded. "It's better this way."

I raised my right hand, in a court-like manner. "I swear on the Holy Bible and all that's holy, I won't say a word." Hopefully I won't let my big fat mouth spill. But really, who am I going to tell?

Peyton cracked a small, shy smile at me. "That's not even half of the story, you know."

My eyes bulged out of their sockets. "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope. I just figured that you should know this stuff, you seem really lost lately."

Trust me. I'm lost, alright


Suddenly, something came to mind as I looked at Peyton. Narrowing my eyes, I fixed my eyes onto her face, searching.

"Why the sudden heart-to-heart?" I asked, suspiciously. "You're... talking all of a sudden."

Peyton bit her lip for a moment, and sighed. Her eyes were on her hands as she fidgetted with her fingers, probably deciding what to say, or debating whether to say it or not. But she did.

"I'm scared of you, Blaire." The words didn't surprise me, not even the slightest. However, I was still taken back by the tone of her voice. It was almost as if she was proving a point.

"I know," I said simply. Peyton's eyebrows went up for a split second, then she pursed her lips.

"I'm scared of you," she continued. "Ever since day one, and you know that. But, I'm starting to open my own eyes here. I'm starting to see that I can't let people push me around, or control me. Katrina's been doing that this whole time, and I haven't even realised I was just her puppet. Sure we were always friends, but later on I just became someone who was 'there', you know? She found out about my brother, and she thought that sticking with me would get her... closer to him."

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