Stuck in Camp Rivers - Chapter 28

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Hey guys, gahhh I'm sorry once again. I was working on my new story for a little bit just to get a break from this one. But it's the last day at camp you guys :(

It's just this, and then the Epilogue. Maybe a special chapter afterwards....I'm not sure yet.



you know, especially


bye byeeee



Chapter 28.



Sabrina groaned in annoyance as she ran her fingers through her hair. Bonnie was freaking out, accusing of Sabrina for stealing her things while we all packed up this morning. Yes, it is finally the last day of camp, and people are already starting to leave.

Although I'm not sure anybody's going to be allowed to leave unless Bonnie finds her goddamn pillow. Who loses a pillow, seriously?

"Bonnie, for the last time I don't have your stupid pillow!" Sabrina snapped, zipping up her bag. "Why the hell would I have it anyway?"

"Remember, a couple weeks ago I gave it to you to borrow!" Bonnie snapped. "I brought two pillows with me...."

"So, you still got one of them," Peyton pointed out with a shrug. Bonnie shot Peyton a dirty look.

"Look, you guys, I can't leave without knowing I have everything I came here with." Bonnie began her search-mission, storming around the cabin as she looked for the damn pillow.

Already having all my shit packed, I just sat on the bed cross-legged next to my luggage. I was riding with Molly to the airport, since the two of us arrived together. I didn't know when our taxi was coming to get us, but I assumed Molly would get me when the time came.

Or I hoped.

"Okay guys, stop fighting for god's sake!" I said, rolling my eyes as I watched Bonnie and Sabrina argue. Peyton was just watching in amusement, and although it was funny watching my cabinmates fight all damn summer, it was all very damn annoying.

"Oh, what do you know?" I mused sarcastically after I peeked under my bed. Not even wanting to know how it ended up here, I pulled Bonnie's heart-shaped pillow out from underneath my bed and tossed it at her, trying to aim at her face.

Bonnie sighed in relief. "Jesus, thanks Blaire. How did it even end up there--"

"I have no idea."

Sabrina crossed her arms stubbornly, glaring at Bonnie who was now smirking. Leave it to Bonnie to start another world war without even truly knowing her facts. I mean, seriously it's the last day of camp, and her and Sabrina still have to fight like little kids.

"Erm, sorry Sabrina," Bonnie said, smiling innocently as she stuffed her pillow inside her big bag. Sabrina scoffed.

"Yeah, damn right you are. I love how EVERY single time you've accused me of stealing something, I didn't even take it."

"You stole my brush--"

"That was one fucking time Bonnie! One freaking time! Let it go!" Sabrina cried dramatically, throwing her hands in the air. Peyton and I chuckled.

"Well, don't worry," I commented. "We're leaving today, you won't have to put up with each other anymore."

"Until next year," Bonnie sighed. "I'm probably going to be forced to come back."

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