Chapter 3

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His lungs were burning from running, turning to look back and notice they were catching up to him.

"Boo" one of the trio blocked his path ahead, forcing the boy to turn down the other.

"Catch him!" The other in the trio ordered

His eyes lit up as he saw the main street, reaching out before a hand was placed over his mouth and pulled him back, slamming him against the wall.

"Youre gonna regret ever stealing from us, kid" they all laughed evilly, kicking the boy in the stomach.

He tried to put up a fight, though it wasn't much of one as he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his leg along with a loud sound.
Falling backwards towards the wall, he grabbed his leg that had been shot, hissing back the tears as the men threatened him further.

His ears were still ringing but he noticed that the trio wasn't focused on him anymore, their attention being taken by the strange primate that was walking over to them.
The boy's eyes were blurry, exhaustion finally catching up to him as he tried to focus on what was happening.

All he saw was the man begin a fight with the group before he passed out

"Ah!" The boy sat up quickly, looking around confused at his surroundings.
The room was easily recognised as a hospital, it was a little less taken care off and tidy but still a hospital.

The boy's eyes landed on a man sat on a chair against the wall, snoring with his legs and arms crossed. He was obviously a human, though he seemed to have an arm missing and replaced with a robotic one, his fur- or was a dirty blond and his skin pale.

Carefully, the boy tried to climb out of the bed, letting out a pained cry as he had forgotten about his leg.

"Would you look at that?" He flinched, quickly scrambling away as he turned to look at the man "You're finally awake" he lifted his eyebrows, walking towards the kid.

"Who are you?" The boy hissed, not trusting the stranger who uproached him

"I'm Gary" Gary huffed, picking up the boy anyway, ignoring his potrests and scratching as he threw him back on the bed "you are?"

"Why should I tell you?" The boy snapped, pushing himself against the wall to create as much distance as possible

"Well manners- but also because I saved your ass, think I deserve to know" Gary nodded "especially with the nurse always asking about it"

The boy glared, looking around then to the man once again
"I didnt ask to be saved"

"Really? That's how you're gonna thank me? I lost an arm for you, kid" Gary gestured to his metallic arm, wincing as he held it.

The boy's ears dropped in guilt, eyes wide at what he had caused
"I-I'm sor-"

"Nah- just messing with ya" Gary laughed, pulling the chair closer "I didnt get hurt"

"You!" The boy growled, his fur puffing up in annoyance

"Chill out, kid" Gary lifted his hands in defense with a chuckle

"What do you want from me?" The kit asked suspiciously, squinting at the man, Gary.

"Nothing really, was passing by and decided to help a stray out" Gary shrugged, taking out a flask from his leather jacket and taking a quick swing "you kinda reminded of me- I wasn't a cat- but yeah, spent a good part of my life running from guys like that as well"

"I'm not a cat" the boy hissed lightly, the man's words setting in. The boy hesitated before mumbling something

"What was that? Youre gonna have to speak louder, kid" Gary lifted his eyebrow lazily

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