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Loving a writer is like dancing in the rain,

and being loved by one is like being hit by a storm.

You become their muse. They will turn you into art.

You will be their living, breathing masterpiece.

On the days when you feel your ugliest,

you will find yourself prettied up in the best of their words.

On the night when it's a little darker than usual,

they will paint you a sky and write you a moon.

On days you need a shelter,

you will find a home in their paragraphs that feel like an embrace.

If a writer falls in love with you,

they will teach you to play hopscotch with your sorrows.

Write confessions on the back of each other's hands.

Swallow not-so-happy days with a shot of make-believe.

Their words revolve around you like you're the sun

and 365 days have never gone by so fast.

You know what they say?

If you fall in love with a writer, you'll never die.

You will be immortalized. They will keep you alive.

You will forever breathe in their words.

Forever reside in them as if they were your home.

And be preserved amongst the pages of their journal.

In the ink of their pen. In memory.

They will weave magic out of what they feel for you.

And you'd still have a hard time understanding.

They will make you see things in yourself that you never have.

They will make you look at the world differently.

Brighter. Sharper. Better.

They can make you feel a thousand different feelings.

Some of them you can't even put a name to.

Paint a picture for you. Capture a scent for you.

Freeze or recreate a scene for you.

Each day, a different story.

Each night, a different shade of love.

Words lazily strewn across the floor or peeking out

from under the pillow or even dangling from the edges of your hair.

Floating around invisibly even in the silence between you.

If a writer falls in love with you, let there be nothing at all,

you can be sure that their words would still be there to hold you,

to bring you home, to come back to.

And you? Their center. Their main. Their constant.

You know, We writers have a hard time saying

"I love you."

But what we do say is,

"Here, I wrote a poem for you."

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