Chapter 1

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Olivia's P.O.V

As I was laying in bed wrapped in his arms I couldn't help but think about one thing? " They are gonna call me The Run Away Bride...." I said out loud and he said as he left trail mark kisses up my back until he kissed my neck. Which made me have chills up my spine, and I bit my lip.

" Yeah, but think of it this way, you looked like a gorgeous bride, but weren't actually a bride you weren't a happy one." He said in a sexy morning voice, that's when I felt my heart pounding in my chest. As I turned towards him, and smiled, " Plus I'm way better looking than Anthony ...." he informed me. "You have too much ego but also not wrong." I said and kissed him, and he kissed back.

" We really should get up. We can't lay around all day avoiding last night!" I said and he smirked, and I got up and put his shirt on so I wasn't completely naked, and put my hair up in a ponytail, " That's not what I was talking about, I was talking about running out in front of my family and Anthony!" I said laughing a little.

" Uh huh sure let's go with that?" He said  and I rolled my eyes as he got clothes on and went to the kitchen to cook while I went to the bathroom to take a shower, as I stood in front of the mirror I felt nauseous again, and ran to the toilet and I threw up. I couldn't get why but I didn't want to know either.

After I took a shower I got ready I bought a few weeks ago to keep here and got a toothbrush that Joshua bought to keep here for when I stay the night, and brushed my teeth. I put the towel and shirt in the clothes bin then I walked out of the bathroom, and went to the kitchen, " Are you alright?" He asked and I smiled, " Yeah, I'm good!" I said, that's when he made me a plate.

" I could of made my plate myself." I said and he shook his head, " I know, oh I have to go to work today, are you going to stay here or go back to the palace." He said and I looked at him, " I'm gonna go back to the palace, since I don't want them to think I've disappeared forever, plus I have to talk to my parents about the whole thing about Anthony." I said and he smiled.

" Alright, well if you are gone by the time I get out of the shower, I love you..." he said and kissed my cheek, " I love you too..." I said as he walked to the bathroom. That's when I texted Kelsey.

Princess Olivia ~ Hey can you pick me up from Joshua's place, and get a test.... I'll explain later, I promise.....😬

Bestie Kelsey~ Yeah, on my way, and Girl You BETTER Explain🤨😳

Princess Olivia~ Love Ya and please no telling Hunter or my parents or your parents 💕🥺🤐

Bestie Kelsey~ I thought my mom and dad gave you Birth Control...🤔

Princess Olivia~ They did, but I ran out and I said I would explain later😶

As I waited for Kelsey I ate my food then put my cleaned my plate and put it away, then I grabbed my phone and went to Kelsey's car as soon as she got there. Since she doesn't live far from Joshua. That's when I got in her car and buckled up, " Explain now or after you take three test I had to go buy!"

She said handing me the CVS bag, " I said one?" I said shocked, and she looked at me like a sister would, " Three, not one, Three I say Three, I want three answers now explain Now or Later!" She said and then looked at the road." Later!" I said, and shook my head as I leaned back and waited to get home.

" Does Joshua know about this at all?" She said and I nervously talked in a British accent. " Uhhh, No......" I said and she tapped her finger, " Stop With the Nervousness, and What if it's not his what if it's Anthony's?" She said and I bit my lip, " I-I lied about that, Just to make Joshua Jealous...." I said not knowing how to tell her, " I should of known...." she said laughing

Never Told You ( Sequels to Forbidden Love)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant