Chapter 1

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Starhunter opened her eyes for the first time. All she saw was darkness but she heard voices. Mother's, and Father's voices.
"When is she going to hatch? Its freezing out here!" One said. That one was father.
"I dont know. She's just a dragonet. She doesn't know when to hatch." Mother said. Or does she? Starhunter heard her mother say in a weird voice.
"Hey, Moon?" Father asked.
"Yes, Foreshadow?" Mother replied.
"I love you." He said softly.
"I love you too." Mother said with a gentle fierceness in her voice.
Starhunter. Someone called to her. I am the moons. You need to come out or your future is changed forever. She didn't understand, for being a dragonet, everything. What she did understand, though, was that it was time to come out.
She hit the wall in front of her as hard as she could.
"She's hatching!" Father exclaimed.
"She's hatching!" Mother confirmed. Come on little one! Her mother beckoned with her mind.
The walls fell around her. There was a guest of cold wind in her face, but she liked it. The first thing she she saw in the real world was the sky. Starhunter looked at the stars. The three full moons. And everything that the sky held that night. She turned and there they were. Her mother and father.
"Welcome to the world, Starhunter." Moonwatcher said, carefully placing a claw on her daughter's snout. I am so glad you made it out alive. Her mother thought. Your brothers and sisters died in the eggs. Her mother seemed sad for Starhunter's siblings and happy that one of her dragonets made it out alive.
"Yes. Welcome to the world." Her father said, kneeling down. I knew you would live! I had a feeling. A really good feeling, and it turned out to be right! I am a father! Wow, she is stunningly beautiful.
You will grow to be strong, little one. Focus on the good, and only use your powers for good. The moon said to the black dragonet.

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