Wattpad and Eggman

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Sonic was running. He didn't know where he was going, just running. 'Course this was one of his usual runs, so of course he didn't know where he was going. All he did know was he was going to stop for a chilli dog. He stopped at a random restaurant.

"Hello sir, how my I help you?" Asked the casher/intern/chef. She was a female nutra.

Wow, this gal is much nicer than Dave, Sonic thought, "I'll have one chilli dog, please."

The casher went to the back amd brought back a rock shaped like a Meh Burger.

"What!? No! I said 'a chilli dog', not 'a Meh Burger shaped rock'!" Sonic snapped, "At Meh Burger, even though it may not be what you ordered, at least they give you food!" Sonic turned and ran off.

The girl Sonic snapped at just smirked, and pressed something on her elbow.

Meanwhile, Sonic was running through the canyon, Angle Island, Mystic Ruins, Gogoba Village, and finally stoped at Hedgehog Village. Hmm. I think I'll go see Tails.

Sonic ran in to Tails' hut to find Tails on his communicator. Sonic was going to say hi, but Tails saw him and beat him to it.

"Hey, Sonic," Tails greeted.

"Hey, Tails. Whatcha doin?" Sonic asked.

"I'm Wattpading," the fox replied.

"Oh ok," Sonic shrugged until he realized what his little bro said, "Wattpading!?"

"Yeah," Tails replied, looking up from his communicator to look ar Sonic, "It's a word you call people reading or writing stories on Wattpad."

Sonic still didn't understand, "What the heck is Wattpad!?"

"It's an app where you can read and/or write fanfictions and/or original stories," Tails explained, "Apparently, there are people on Wattpad that are fans of us, because I keep seeing fanfictions of our boom, modern, and classic forms. Which is kinda creepy in my opinion "

"Ok, well, I'll leave you to your - Wattpading," Sonic said, running off.

"Ok. Welp, by, Sonic."

Suddenly, Fastidious Beaver showed up ti correct Tails, "Actually, it's "well'." Then Fastidious left.

Tails looked unimpressed.

Meanwhile at Dr. Eggman's base, Eggman was looking for a way to finally beat Sonic, even if it was only for one time. "I've tried everything. I tried batting him and his friends underwater, I tried using his speed to power my robot, nothing worked."

"Dr. Eggman, my I suggest something?" Suggested Orbot, who was sweeping up behind Eggman.

"If it has something to do with beating Sonic, go right ahead," Eggman replied with a little bit of sadness in his voice. Orbot nodded and whispered something in Eggman's ear. Eggman's frown turned upside down. "That's a great idea. Glad you thought of it."

"That is exactly why- wait what!?" The red robot remarked, "Did you just credit me?"

"Don't get used to it," replied Eggman.

Back with Sonic, the blue blur was running to the very volcano, where he and Eggman had there very first fight in the Sonic Boom series.

"Hey!" Sonic called, yelling at the author, "Only the characters are allowed to make forth wall breaks!"


Sonic skidded to a halt. "What was that?" He asked.

He ran over to the source of the sound. He really was not surprised of what, or rather, who laughed. "Oh. Of course. Honestly, I'm not surprised it's you, Egghead."

"Well of course! Who else would it be?" Eggman taunted.

"What do you want?" Sonic asked in an unimpressed tone while crossing his arms.  

"Well, I just came to tell you that-  I just prefected my most brilliant invention yet!"

"Oh yeah, Egghead?" Asked the blue blur.

"Do you really think I would make this up if I came here to destroy you?"

"1: I think you mean 'came here to be destroyed by me'. And 2: you make a good point," Sonic said and called everyone on his communicator, "Heads up guys, Baldy McNosehair to try and destroy for the umpteenth time."

"Ok, Sonic. On the way," Tails' voice spoke through.

"I'm coming. Don't worry, Sonikku," Amy's voice rang.

"I thought you grew out of calling me that, Amy."

"Oh, uh, did I say 'Sonikku', I meant 'Sonic', Sonic."

"Who is Sonikku?" The voice of Sticks asked. You could hear her gasp," Is he one of those Japanese aliens that partnered with a monster called Godzilla back on earth!?"

"Uh, no, Sticks," Amy replied, "Sonikku is my former nickname for Sonic. And you should know. Your boyfriend has one for you, and you don't get mad."

"Could you two stop taking romance, I have a date with my wife. Oh, wait. I don't have a wife."

"Knuckles!" All of team Sonic, except Knuckles, scolded him in unison.

"Anyway," Sonic said, getting everyone back on topic, "Hurry up please."

"We'll be there," Everyone said together. Sonic ended the call.

"While we're waiting for everybody to get here, why don't I tell you my plan?" Egghead suggested.

"Hey!" Sonic scolded the author again, "Only I'm allowed to call him Egghead!"

"Who were you talking to?"

"That's not important. Anyway, what did you say."

"While we're waiting for everybody to get here, why don't I tell you my plan?" Eggman suggested again.

"Oh really, Egghead?" Sonic asked, but this time with cocky ness in his voice.

"Yeah really. It's a gender swap ray," the evil genius replied.

Sonic gasps in fear.

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