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Sonic P.O.V

I was walking through Hedgehog Village, getting the most strange looks from the villagers. I know why they are looking at me. It's a secret I kept for years. I'm not really sure if I should tell them or not.

"You should, and will," a voice cried out.

"No one asked for your opinion, author," I replied. Sorry about that. Anyway, as I was saying, I feel like someone should know. I was thinking Tails, but I don't know how he would react when or if he finds out that his big brother was really his big sister. I was then looking around, for no reason in particular. I stoped when I noticed Sticks and Dave sitting at one of Meh Burger's tables, Dave rubbing a piece of a Meh Burger on Sticks' face while they both were laughing. Is it wrong I ship them even the tiniest bit? I just stood there, and sighed. I soon ran off into the woods, not knowing what, or who I'd run into.

3rd P.O.V

Sonic ran into the woods. She ran until she found a big patch of forest with no trees, but was surrounded by trees. Sonic stood right in the middle. "Huh. I never knew this was here," she told her self. Suddenly, Sonic found her self being choked by a familiar ebony and crimson hedgehog.

"Why are you here!?" Shadow demanded.

"Sh- Shad- o-ow?" Sonic struggled to ask.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you!" Shadow demanded again.

"Shadow," Sonic tried to say, for she was running out of air. "L-let me t- talk and I'll t-tell you e-everyth- thing."

Shadow let go of Sonic's throat, and she coughed and gasped for air.

"Now," Shadow started, "why are you here, who are you, and how do you know my name?"

Sonic' eyes widened. Shadow didn't know who she was. "Shadow, It's me, Sonic," she answers, "Your rival?"

Shadow bursts out laughing.

"Wow, I didn't know that was possible," Sonic commented.

Shadow P.O.V

I was laughing as hard as I could. I have never done this sense Maria's death. When this girl said she was Sonic, I couldn't even hold it in.

"Wow, I didn't know that was possible," the girl commented.

There was pause.

"No one asked for your opinion!" The girl yelled.

"Who are you talking to?" I stopped laughing and ask.

"None of your business, faker!" The hedgehog spat.

I got angry. "Only Sonic gets to call me that!"

"You don't think I know that, Shadow!?" She snapped. "I am Sonic! I just got hit by one of Egghead's rays, and turned to the opposite gender! How on Mobius do you not believe me!? Ocean blue hedgehogs are not that common on Bygone Island!"

"If your really Sonic, then prove it!" I barked.

From what I've seen, the girl calmed down and gave me the undeniably, unquestionably, unmistakable, unreplicatable, famous smirk, of none other then my rival, Sonic the Hedgehog. Maybe she is Sonic, I thought, if it is, than Sonic is kinda cute as a girl. WAIT WHAT!

"Gladly," she said competitively. She ran all around the forest in 2 seconds flat. I was flabbergasted. The only one who could match my speed is Sonic.

"And that's not all," the female hedgehog added. She rolled into Sonic's signature spin dash and cut down the first row of trees circling us.

I was shocked again. Everything was pointing to this girl being Sonic. Except there was one thing I needed to know before I'm 100% sure. I cupped my hands over my mouth and yelled, "CHILLI DOGS!"

She got excited. "Chilli dogs!? Where!?" That got her attention.

I didn't respond.

This time it was my turn to be attacked.

Sonic P.O.V.

Shadow didn't respond.

I abruptly ran up to him and started attacking him. "Where are the chilli dogs!?" I yell.

"So you are Sonic," Shadow replied bluntly.

"Where are they!?" I stop attacking and ask again.

"Whoa, Sonic, geez. There are no chilli dogs. I just yelled that to get your attention and to see if you really are Sonic. Which you are," said my rival.

I got upset that it was just a trick, and there were no chilli dogs, but I didn't take it out on my rival. I look down at my feet with my hands locked behind my back. I don't know why, but feel like I can trust Shadow with my secret, you know?

3rd P.O.V.

"Shadow, can you keep a secret?" Sonic asks.

"What?" Shadow growled, "Can I keep a secret? Yes I can keep a secret, why?"

"Because I am about to tell you something I have never told anyone," answered the cobalt hedgehog. She took a big breath as she continued, "I wasn't born a male."

"WHAT!?!?!?!?" The black hedgehog screamed. He screamed so loud in fact, that the entire island heard it. Flickies even flew out of their trees.

"Calm down, Shadow. Your going to make someone think something is wrong," said Sonic.

Secrets and Genders (Straight Sonadow)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin