Chapter 15

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Sam felt Nico's bare skin against his own.

Nico stopped kissing him, and their eyes met. Nico's amber eyes were so deep, it was like Sam could see straight into his soul. He looked so sad, and Sam didn't want to hurt him or reject him.

He leaned up and kissed Nico's mouth again, but Nico didn't kiss back. Instead, he whispered in Sam's ear. "Why are you doing this, Sam? Is it because you want it? Or are you offering yourself to me as part of your family's deal?" Nico glanced down at Sam's ample cock, which was hard and no doubt aching with desire. Nico smirked. "You can't fake that, so at least I know some part of you wants to be here."

"All of me wants to be here, my body and my soul. I would never whore myself out for my family." Sam paused. "Once you've met them, you'll understand," he added dryly. and he inhaled the clean scent of him and felt Nico's hard cock pressed against his thigh as Sam started to weep. He wasn't sad, precisely, but rather overwhelmed at the feelings that had overcome him. It felt so right to be in Nico's embrace, more intense than it ever had been with Lilli. He had gotten pleasure in her bed, but nothing like this. He remembered the admonishment of Augustus, that feelings such as this must be controlled and redirected to one's wife. This was what an honorable man would do.

Sam wasn't an honorable man. He knew that as he let Nico kiss him again and again, reveling in the other man's tongue exploring his mouth. Yet, he couldn't stop the weeping and was trembling.

Nico sighed and broke the kiss, looking at Sam sadly. "I can't allow you to dishonor yourself," he whispered.

"It doesn't feel like dishonor," choked out Sam, who gripped Nico's arms as though to keep him from moving further away.

Nico seemed about to speak again, but instead, he crashed his mouth against Sam's and they were kissing again. The bathwater was becoming tepid, and Nico lifted Sam to the edge of the bathing pool pressing him back against the cool tile. Nico crawled out of the bath and on top of Sam, kissing his neck.

Sam didn't want to be anywhere else in the world, and the shame of that made tears form in his eyes again. The bare, hard tile pressed against his back almost painfully

That caused Nico to burst out laughing. "By the gods," he said, "I was mesmerized by your beauty, but it's your soul that I fell in love with."

Sam looked at Nico and saw nothing but honesty in those eyes. Nico loved him, was in love with him. He wasn't using Sam. Augustus had said that men would only use Sam and then return to their wives. He implored Sam to never be used or use. Augustus never told him that two men could love each other. He had said that what was between them would be only lust, but it seemed that Augustus had been wrong.

"I've never been unfaithful to my wife, not in body or mind until you," said Sam, trying to explain his tears.

Nico reached up and pressed his hand against Sam's cheek. "Do you love her, then? Is this between us just because you have lost her these past few you long for her body?"

Sam slowly shook his head. "I care for her. I do. I love her, but it's not like this. This fire between's different." The admission felt strange on his lips, but the truth of it caused a wave of relief in Sam. A burden had been lifted.

Nico smiled a true and radiant smile that warmed Sam's heart.

"Then," he said, "I suggest we get off this cold tile and retire to my bedroom if you are agreeable. We can speak of the future tomorrow, but tonight I would like to show you what you've been missing."

Sam smiled, and he and Nico, still dripping wet and both their cocks hard, they got towels and dried off and headed to Nico's bedroom. The eyes of the slaves averted as they passed, and Sam strangely felt no embarrassment.

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