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2 weeks later

Knock* Knock*

I get it

"Sweetie someones here to see you"

I walk down the stairs slowly i wasnt in any hurry to see who it was or what they wanted.


I look up hoping to see kevin but i am shocked to see Steven at my door. I stare at him wanting to rip his bones out one by one but then I'am striked down by his smirk. Fear suddenly reaches my knees and i almost fall to the ground.

I lean on the wall and watch my mom walk back to the kitchen.

"Can we please talk?"

"Go away" i say almost immediately after he finishes his question. I didnt want him here and i was afraid but i stood my ground.

"Listen" he said while reaching for my hand.

I yanked my arm away.

"Go away p-please steven"

"listen darling i can either come in through the door or climb your window like the other night" he said

I closed the door in his face and ran upstairs to lock my window,but the lock had been broken it been completely torn apart.

Before i could scream steven jumped on my roof and pushed my window open.

"Told ya, now listen okay let me speak. Im sorry alright when Anthony said he was going to teach you a lesson i didnt think he'd do what he did."

"Y-you did it too you hurt me, you and those fuckin bastards ruined me look at me steven im broken im disgusting i cant look at myself anymore and its your fault. You did this your where part at this and you can't change it you cant just apologize and boom everything alright everything's magically disappears because i sure as hell don't think this baby going to go poof after all its been" i say tears slipping from my eyes.

He stood there lookin at almost in a daze.

Y-y-our pregnant ?

He kneeled down and scooted to my stomach he reached out for my stomach and i fell onto my bed.

"Who's the dad?"

"I don't know but it between you guys alright know can you please just leave?"

"No maybe it's Kevin's i mean you two have been having sex correct?"

"Well yes but we used protection a lot of it actually*

"So what your saying is that it could be mine?" He asked moving closer to me.


"Fine ill leave but ill be back, Oh and let me see your phone" he said snatching my phone out of my hands " im going to put ny number in here alright call me if you need anything"

He slid my phone into my hands and i read the contact name "babydaddy" he laughed and walked towards the window.

"Call me alright that baby is mine and i want to be there"


He was already out the window but he stuck his head through the window.

"I fucked up and i want to take care of my problems plus I've always wanted to be a father and another thing is im sure that baby will be beautiful i mean there mommy's is so why wouldn't they be right? Bye love" he said i heard him jump off the roof.

4 almost 5 months had gone by my baby was getting the best of me he'd already popped out like a sore thumb i was as big as a watermelon and i looked like i was about to pop.

I'd been going back and forth with Steven

He has actually Proven him self to be a good guy

He told me all about that night of the incident

About how much he wished he would not have joined them he showed me the video and we turned it in together to the police

Jesse's parents paid the officers to keep there mouths shut and they where off the hook. But they haven't dared come close to me they keep there distance the only one who has had the audacity to apologize was Steven he had been helping me with the pregnancy even though i had told him he would never be forgiven he stuck around and i kinda of wanted to stick around him too.

I was an idiot why would the victim start to have a liking for there fuckin predator.

I think maybe in another life perhaps during other circumstances we would have been friends. Maybe

A few months ago he had been kicked out of his house and my mom had let him move in but didn't know he had been responsible for my rape.

I was scared to go back to school i didn't want to see kevin i didn't have the face to face him. He would be destroyed if he saw me with a belly and hanging around Steven.

I dont know what the hell i did in my past life to deserve this but i want to just go a head and start my reincarnation process for my next life.

UNWANTED LOVE BY HIMWhere stories live. Discover now