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Lily POV

Once he came out, he dragged me back into the car. Giving the cashier a death glare.

Classic Kevin.

Kevin's POV

I drove home the whole ride was quite i hated it. I need to hear her voice i needed for her to tell me it was okay, but she didn't say anything she stayed quiet.

When we arrived, she speeded out and then turned around.

"Don't Forget Celia, Kevin"
She whispered loud enough that i could hear it.

"I won't lily get in the house" I said.

I carried Celia to her room slowly laying her down. Closing the door as quite as possible, but i heard a small voice.

"Kevin, what's on your face?"
Celia asked

I was so angry and frustrated i must've forgotten to clean my face. And my hands now looking at the clothes i had on. I walked back in and sat on the side of the bed.

"I killed the Monster under your bed Celia, he won't hurt you anymore" i said hoping she would shut up and go to bed.

"Our You hurt?"
She asked

I shook my head
"No i was too strong for him"
I said.

"Thank you, Kevin, "she said
I automatically felt bad for just wanting her to sleep so I could leave.

After a while she fell asleep, and I walked out of her room. Closing the door behind me with my eyes shut everything came back on my shoulders.


I opened my eyes great the last thing I need tonight.

Eva's POV

I heard the front door open and then Celia's as well I walked out to face a bloody Kevin.

"What did you do!?"
I said as my worst nightmare surrounded my head.

"Stop screaming Eva you're going to wake Celia. I just put her to bed." Kevin said slightly opening the door.

Celia was fine sleeping peacefully.

"Whose blood is that Kevin?"
I asked.

"Some dude who was trying to kidnap lily" he said so casual and walked to his room.

Did he kill somebody? where was lily? and how long had he been out?

All the questions were roaming my mind I felt a sudden hug. It was Kevin. I was Surprised at first, but I hugged back feeling a hole in my son's heart.

"What's wrong sweetie tell me"
I asked.

He was crying quietly I've never seen my son cry he's always been so tough and rude and mean seeing this side of him scared me.

"I killed a kid mom" Kevin said falling to the ground.

Kevins POV

"I killed a kid mom" I said again.

" I killed him, and I didn't feel sad I felt relieved." I said looking at my mom Stright in her eyes.

Her expression said it all. Fear

She bended down and whispered where is he?

We went outside and she got in the car. I drove her to the curve just a few blocks away from our home.

She got out of the car hoping she would not scream our do anything stupid. I felt a sting on my cheek.

"What the fuck mom" I yelled

"How could you fucking do this Kevin" Eva yelled

" I don't know" I said "he deserved it"
I said.

"Get the damn bag" Eva said.

"What?" I asked

"The fucking trash bags Kevin there some in the back of your car"

"Why do what I'm telling you to do" she whispered

I ran to the back of the car graving the bags. Since when the hell did, I have a whole murder kit in the back of my car?


"Well, don't just stand there Kevin help me put your error in the bag"
Eva whispered.

"Hey, mom since when do I have a whole murder kit in my car? Cause I sure as hell don't know how a Shovel creeped into my car?" I asked my mother who was trying to shove a broken skull into a bag.

"Since today did you not notice I put it in when we left same as with the bags" Eva said closing the bag.

"Now what?" I said.

"Get him in car" she said

"Oh, hell naw I'm not giving this kid a free ride in my car" I said.

"Well, if you leave him here people are going to find out it was you and arrest you do you want that Kevin?" Eva said


I shoved him in back seat we drove for hours. I smiled

"What's so funny" Eva asked

"It's funny that your fucking helping me with a murder" I said with a small laugh

"Shut up and drive"
She said.

After what seemed like an eternity she said here. A corn field. Nice

I dragged him out and we walked up a hill here start digging she said.

"Why don't you dig "I said

"Because you did this Kevin not me" she said with a smirk.

We barried him and left she drove us home I fell asleep.

Once we got home it was 9 and the sun was already in the sky.

I walked into my room got some clothes. And took a shower.

Walking back into my room looking for my shirt I saw a sleeping lily with my big shirt in my boxers not the same ones but some clean ones she must've gotten in my closet again she was in my shit again, but I didn't mind anymore.

I layed down next to her played with her hair for a bit and later laid down next to her rubbing her back. I couldn't sleep no matter what I did. She turned around still asleep. I layed down at first, I didn't know what to do. I was scared to wake her if I moved. I moved a little trying to get more comfortable in the bed.
At last, I hugged her she dug her head into my chest. I slowly started drifting into sleep. I wish we could stay like this forever I thought.

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