Chpt. 9 Sick Is Not a Good Look For Me

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Bethany's POV

It has been almost two weeks since the barf incident. And almost two weeks since Marcel has texted me or even looked at me in school. I mean I know I vomited on the boy, but I would have thought that he would have forgiven me by now. You know, him being super kind and all.

Right now I am laying in my comfy bed, trying to rest as much as I can. Its Sunday. I've had a stomach virus for the past two days and trust me, they are not fun. I missed school on Friday, and all I've really been doing is sleeping, eating chicken noodle soup, drinking water, and well, vomiting. But that I'm used to. Zoey has checked in on me a lot, and she even visited me yesterday. She helped me in everything I needed help with and was really sweet. I'm so lucky to have her as my best friend. She slept over and is currently down stairs making me breakfast, but I'm still too lazy to even go down and thank her.

I'll wait till she comes back up again. I heard my door creak a little, and saw my mom calmly walk over to the side of my bed and sit down. She put her delicate hand on my forehead, and stroked away some hair stands.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" She asked with her soothing voice. I opened up my mouth to speak, but that resulted in me aggressively reaching over to grab my trash can and vomit for like a minute. She slowly rubbed my back and held my hair back. I finally layed back down in bed, feeling disgusting once again. I stared up at the ceiling, my mind racing for absolutely no reason.

"Okay well honey I'm going to be in my room, but tell me if you need anything. Feel better Beth."

She lightly kissed my forehead and closed my door on her way out. As I had just begun dozing off into a dream, a loud yell from downstairs ruined the chance of me ever falling asleep again.

"BETH GET DOWN HERE! BREAKFAST IS READY!!!" Zoey's voice bellowed out.

"CAN'T YOU JUST BRING IT UP HERE?!" I croaked back. She can be so irritating sometimes. Can't she see I'm tired? Even from up here, I heard her scoff.


"OKAY OKAY MOTHER I'M COMING!" I threw my comforter over and slowly sat up. My head began throbbing.

"Owww" I quietly said to myself, clutching my head tightly. I groggily walked down the stairs and saw that Zoey had served sausage, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, strawberries, and apple juice on our dining table.

Aw. How nice of her.

I went over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you Zo, you're the best." I muffled into her shoulder.

"Oh, I know hon. But as your mother, its my rightful duty." We looked at each other and began giggling hysterically.

We both sat down and ate in silence, before she asked me the dreadful question my ears didn't want to hear yet.

"So has he texted you yet?"

"Ughh no not yet. He's being a jerkkk." I hastily stared at the sausage on my fork, but stuffed it into my mouth anyway. Mmm, yummy.

"Mm well I'm sure he'll text you back soon. Very soon. Maybe even at any minute?" I locked eyes with Zoey, and her sharp, gray eyes immediately darted away from mine.
"Zoey. What the hell are you up to. I swear if you texted him or said anything, "
My voice went into a deadly whisper.
"You don't wanna know what I'll do to you. " Zoey gulped and then just scoffed.
"Of course I wouldn't Beth, I'd never do that. " Zoey kept stuffing her mouth with food, to avoid looking at me. Oh I really hope she's not up to something.

P.S. I love MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now