Chpt. 3 I have her number!

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Marcel's POV

I can not wait!!! Today is the only day of the week we have math double period! Oh, and Bethany is in this class!

"Oomph!" That was me grunting, just as my face made contact with the floor, only to hear some jocks stupidly laughing and running away. Well, I guess I'm used to it. Oh really?! One of my lens cracked! Again! These were a lot of money!

But I don't blame the guy who pushed me, every bully has a story. Maybe he's having a problem at home, I understand. I just wish my glasses didn't crack, I can now only see through one eye! I tried getting up without falling again, only to fall again, into someone's arms! Bethany's arms!

"Marcel, are you ok?!" She said with her beautiful voice.

"Um, yeah I'm fine. Thanks." I said to her shyly. Marcel, man up!

"What happened to your glasses, did someone push you?!?!?! Who was it?!"

"Yeah, but it's fine." I said quietly still looking at the floor. Marcel, she is looking at you, so the polite response would be to look at her!!! I slowly looked up at her, but got nervous when I saw her worried gaze stare into my pale green eyes, so I quickly looked at the floor again. Hey, at least I tried.

"Are you sure? I can help you walk to your next class if you want? Wait don't we have math together next period? I can walk with you!" She said excitedly.

"Its fine, thank you." I slowly and steadily began walking to my next class, math, just as I stumbled over my own feet and fell flat on my face. "Ouch!" I heard heavy footsteps walking rapidly behind me. Specifically, high heels.

"Marcel, we have the same class next period anyways, let me help you." She said with a sweet smile, helping me off the floor and linking her arm into mine. My heart began to beat a thousand times a second. "Um, o-okay, thank you." I stuttered out.

"Anytime Marcel!" She said grinning widely. Oh, that beautiful smile and those sparkly white teeth. How can a guy not like her? Oh right, EVERY guy likes her, no wonder. She's amazing. I noticed her staring at me.

"What, am I really blushing that much?" I blurted out. Did I really just say that?!

Bethany's POV

What did he just say? That my presence is making him blush? SQUEEE!!!!!! Oh, who am I kidding? Marcel would NEVER like me, he probably thinks I'm some annoying, pushy, air headed beotch. I mean come on Bethany! If the kid doesn't want to walk with you to class, you can't force him to! We soon arrived to class and we dislinked our arms, one reason because nobody knows I like Marcel and I don't want rumors spreading around, and because I don't want him to be embarrassed either. We walked into class just as some stupid jocks, who actually weren't as stupid as you would think because they're in math honors, began hooting and shouting some OOOHs! in the air.

"Oh shut up," I snapped at them. I noticed Seth's gaze on me and he looked hurt and jealous. No, Bethany, do not start feeling bad for him. He deserved me to break up with him. Wait, then why is my heart beginning to ache when I look at him and see him hurt? STOP IT BETHANY! You don't like him! Just before I sat down in my own seat, I walked over to Marcel's seat.

Marcel's POV

Why is Bethany walking over to me?

"Hey Marcel! So, I just wanted to tell you that since your lenses cracked, and you probably can't see the board, if you want you can have my number and I'll text you my notes and the homework." She said kindly.

"Uh yes, thank you so much." I said shyly. I can't believe this is happening!

She scribbled down her number on a piece of paper with her pink feather pen and handed me the paper.

"Well here it is! And text or call me if you need anything else!" She began to walk to her own seat, just as she threw me one last smile.


I have her number!

P.S. I love MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now