Chapter 9: Takagi Saya and Hirano Kohta

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Looking at the surroundings, the trio confirmed it was safe and was about to go inside the staff room.

Unexpectedly, they heard a scream.

"It sounds like it comes from the handicraft classroom," Miyamoto Rei said as she focused on the source of the scream.

"Are we going to take a look?" Sato looked at the two.

He naturally wants to go since he can touch corpses. But if he says to take a look and an accident happens then the responsibility is going to fall on him.

By asking the other two, he can share or even completely throw the responsibility on them, if an accident ever happens.

"I am going if you are going Ye-san." She directly walked to Ye Sato's side.

"Well, I don't really care. If this endangers us, then it's better to stay here," Sato said as he looked at Takashi.

Ye Sato knew Takashi would definitely choose to go.

He is a hero like a protagonist. We can see in anime how he went and rescued a little girl without hesitation.

So this stupid guy will definitely take the bait.

"I want to go and take a look if there's any survivor," Takashi said.

As expected of the heroic main character. His stupidity didn't disappoint him.

It's because there's a stupid main character like this, that makes it fun to abuse them. If they have a brain then he can only kill them as soon as possible.

He looked at Takashi and said, "Then we better rush there or they may be dead. Lead the way."

Lead the way, my slave. He really wanted to say that, but suppress his impulse.

With Takashi leading the way, the trio soon arrived at the corridor to the handicraft room. They heard a gun-like sound and saw zombies walking towards the handicraft room.

Without hesitation, they rushed and killed the zombies on the way to the handicraft room.

When they entered, they saw an overweight male and a pink-haired female. The male was holding a modified pressure gun while the female was just standing there watching.

"Takagi Saya! Hirano Kohta!" Takashi looked surprised.

Yep, that's the big bust girl, Takagi Saya. With her small stature, it just makes her bust seem bigger.

As for Hirano Kohta?

Hirano Kohta has black hair and is a fattass. But to be more reader-friendly, he is chubby.

""Takashi!"" Takagi Saya and Hirano Kohta said at the same time.

Before even giving them a time to talk, Sato said, "Let's leave the talk for later. The sound from the fight has probably attracted other zombies. Let's change our location."

As a genius, Saya has a lot of pride, so how could she let others command her?

Without even thinking about their situation, she said, "Who are you? You don't look like a student here."

"Please shut your mouth, idiot! Your stupid loud voice is attracting zombies here." Without even giving her any respect, Sato directly went and insulted her.

Ye Sato knows that she has too much pride. And he hates prideful people like her the most.

To train her pride down, he will need to turn into teacher mode.

He wants to be, the very best, like no one ever was. Catch her, is his real test, train her is his cause!

Sorry, wrong place. I will see myself off.

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