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If you asked Beth Greene to describe herself in one word it would have to be bloody.
She'd actually been on her way to the lake to wash up, when a swarm of walkers caught a whiff of her.
" swear to heavens, red was never my color before and it ain't my color now"
She giggled to herself, wiping her grimy hands on her ruined jeans.
She had made it a habit of talking to herself.
First time she caught herself doing it she figured it was just about the right time for her to go crazy.
But it helped.
For an entire year she lived in silence, only yelling at walkers and the occasional looters.
One day she was sleeping in an abandoned truck she'd found when a paper bag hitting the window nearly scared her half to death.
"God Beth Greene you really gotta stop eatin' those canned peaches before bed" she joked to herself giggling before slapping a hand over her mouth.
It'd been over a year since she'd heard her own laugh, the sound was completely foreign to her.
Taking her hand away from her mouth the giggles kept slipping out Until they turned into a full belly chuckle and she was laughing so hard tears came to her eyes.
Since then she always spoke to herself, questioning decisions or telling herself corny jokes.
She had always been on her own.
Her parents leaving her when she was three and never being able to maintain a steady foster home, She set off on her own the day she turned thirteen.
When she was fourteen she had found shelter in a park off of Main Street. She slept in the tube slide for two weeks when one day she came back and a small boy no older than five was sleeping in her slide.
He woke up to the sound of her boots on the gravel and immediately jumped up reaching for his bag.
"I don't mean any trouble mam' I was just sleeping the night. I'll go right now."
Beth placed her hand on his shoulder.
The thick southern accent coming out strong as she talked to the child.
"What's your name boy?"
He looked unsure before answering
"Parker mam'"
"Well Parker the slides big enough for both of us, I reckon we can both sleep her Whaddaya think?"
His eyes widened for a minute before he nodded enthusiastically cuddling into Beth's side. Almost instinctively her maternal side took over an she wrapped the little boy up and against her side.
They traveled together until one year before the walkers took over.
Beth was a mother to him. She watched over him, took care of him. She couldn't count the times she went hungry because he needed to eat.
He was strong though. He could hold his own and he was a talented hunter even at his young age.
Until one day he got sick.
The cold Beth had at once thought he had was getting progressively worse, she knew he needed medical help or he wouldn't make it.
Doing what she had to do, she brought him to the hospital, kissing his forehead she whispered to the weak boy.
"I love you Parker, I have to do this. You will always be my little boy and I will never forget you."
She left him there as a man picked him up and brought him inside.
Beth never saw Parker after that day, but not a day went by that she didn't think of the little boy she had begun raising.
That led to where Beth was to this day.
Nineteen years old and living on the streets again. But this time she wasn't the only orphan, everyone was an orphan these days.
Homeless and desperate. She supposed her upbringing actually helped her prepare for all of this. Almost like she was made for this world.
Beth was different then the rest of the orphans and homeless though.
She always had hope.
It was the one constant thing in her life that she clung too.
The hope that things would get better. She had a smile that could brighten up even the darkest room, and eyes that help a spark that had been dimmed from the rest of the world.
Still sticky and covered in Guts she made it to the river.
Pulling off her boots. She sighed at the relief her toes felt. Just as she was about to dip her toe in the water she jerked back at the blood curdling scream coming from the distance.
She reached quick for her rifle and patted the holster on her hip.
She sighed slipping her boots back on.
It was going to be a long day.

(Sorry there was no bethyl or walking dead family in this chapter, I wanted to give a kind of Beth back ground! next chapter we meet the gang! Stick with me you guys and Thanks for Reading!)

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