Stolen pieces

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Daryl and Rick headed out early the next day to patrol the area taking carl along with them.
"I hate bugs, there the worst." Carl whined slapping a mosquito off of his arm.
Daryl smiled "worse than brain eating walking dead humans?" He ruffled the younger boys hair.
Carl pushed Daryl's hand off shrugging his shoulders "how much farther? We never head out this far."
"We need to go a little father today son, just wanna check to make sure there's nothing hiding farther up." Rick explained looking to Daryl he asked "you see any different tracks?"
"I'm catchin' something, looks like someone made tracks and tried to cover em up, there headed this way." He led them left.
They walked that way for about ten minutes before coming across a heavily gated area covering what seemed like a few houses and a large building towards the back.
"What the hell? What is this place?" Rick questioned holding his hand out to keep carl from moving closer.
"I don't know but whatever it is, they made it so that we never found it." Daryl said.
"..... Then the governor said we had to bring mice, like live mice. That's weird dude ain't it?"
Rick grabbed carl by the neck and pushed them both behind a tree Daryl following close behind. Hiding from the voices entering the gated community.
"Yeah man, I don't question it anymore, you heard what he said to Andrea. He found out that blonde girl and her friend were helping out that other group down there and now he's out for blood. Keeps saying we need to strike soon."
Daryl gripped the tree. Beth. They were looking for Beth. And Noah.
Rick placed a hand on his arm nodding to the two men.
"I don't know man, I'm not ready for a war, with the wife being pregnant and all. They haven't done anything to us, they mind there own business." The first one started
"Yeah but we have no choice we made this promise when we joined the camp."
The first one sighed wiggling the lock on the fence "Ill tell ya one thing, I don't have it in me to kill that blonde girl, she's so small."
The second one nodded "it don't matter, if it's not you it'll be someone else."
They both walked inside.
Walking out from behind the trees Rick looked at Daryl. "We gotta talk to them, this governor, we can reason."
The leaves behind the three men rustled.
Daryl pulled his bow and Rick pulled out his shotgun.
"Who is it, come out were armed."
Slowly but surely the shadowy figure came from the brush.
He'd recognize those blue eyes anywhere.
"Hi boys." Beth smiled glancing quickly to her sides.
Daryl dropped his bow moving to squeeze her in the tightest hug burying his face in her neck before he realized what he was doing.
He blushed bright red stuttering out "I .. Uhh well we.. We thought they got to ya."
Beth giggled "no not me not yet, I heard you boys talking, you can't reason with that man, the governor, you can't win. He will kill you before you even have a chance to say hello. He doesn't want to talk he wants..."
Daryl interrupted her "a war"
Beth looked him in the eyes "yeah."
Rick looked between the two and nodded.
"If this governor wants a war that's exactly what he'll get."
Beth nodded "we'll be there. Noah and me, give us a time and a place and we'll be there."
Rick looked at her carefully "are you sure?"
Beth laughed "I ain't ever sure, but I want him gone, I'm not gunna let him hurt your family. Plus he's got somethin' that belongs to me, I plan on getting back at any cost."
Daryl and Rick looked at each other an Daryl nodded.
"You'll come to this camp around noon tommorow. Bring your weapons."
Beth smiled patting her hip " I always have my weapon."
Rick looked at her confused. "One knife? That's your weapons?"
"Why that's all I need. Well that and my amazing charm and grace." She smirked.
Daryl smiled.
"Well I better get going we've got a friend staying with us, hurt his arm real bad. Gotta get these herbs back to him. See ya tomorrow."
They all nodded.
"Oh and carl?"
He looked up from where he was skulking and kicking the ground.
"I saw that stance you had when you saw me comin' that was real good. Next time you might wanna have one of these." She chucked him a sheathed hunting knife from her back pack.
" keep that in your boot, never hurts to scare someone a little." She winked running off into the woods.
Daryl shook his head laughing. Was there anything she couldn't do. She was fixing this broken family piece by piece.
He was Gunna look out for her tomorrow.
What did the governor have that belonged to her? Who was the friend at her place? And why did she wanna protect this family so bad?
He had so much to learn about Beth Greene. And he wasn't gunna wait to find out.

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