Part 11: Had to See You

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1995, Saturday, the day of gig

9:00 a.m.

It's the morning of the band's gig at the opening of the new club tonight. Luke, far too excited to think about anything else, has been awake since 8 a.m. full of energy. He tried to hold himself off for as long as he could before hopping on his bike and heading to Alex's house, but time was going by way too slowly. So, here he is at 9 in the morning stealthily tiptoeing across Alex's front lawn as he carries his bike over to the tree he's climbed once before to get to Alex's window.

He climbs up with much more ease now than he did the first time and looks in through the window at a still sleeping Alex. He hesitates to tap on Alex's window because he doesn't want to make so much noise that it gets the attention of Alex's parents, but he needs to wake up Alex somehow.

His first plan is to try and push the window up himself in hopes that it'll be open. Of course, locked. Luke sighs in defeat, then gently begins to quietly tap the glass, praying that the noise will irritate Alex enough into waking up. About a minute of tapping later, Alex finally opens his eyes, looks to the window, and jumps in fear from seeing a face looking back at him. Luke just smiles and waves nonchalantly.

Alex quickly gets out of bed and walks over to his window. He opens it and, while helping Luke get inside, says, "This can not become a habit." Once safely on his own two feet and with the window closed again, Luke says, "Well good morning to you, too." They stand there looking at each other and Alex can't resist the stupid smile on Luke's face. "Good morning," he says, pausing to give Luke a kiss before pulling away and saying, "lunatic." Luke's smile only gets wider.

Alex crosses his room to look in his mirror and runs his hands through his messy slept in hair to fix it, then goes over to his closet to put on a t-shirt.

"Hey, you don't have to put a shirt on on my account." Luke says, walking over and sitting on the edge of Alex's bed. Ignoring Luke's remark, Alex puts the shirt on before walking over, sitting next to Luke on the bed, and reminding him they need to be quiet because his parents are just downstairs making breakfast.

"What are you doing here climbing my tree and waking me up at..." he looks over at the clock on his desk, "God, 9:18 in the morning?" Alex asks, flopping his back down onto his bed.

"Sorry. It's just... we're meeting up with Reggie and Bobby at noon for lunch and then we're gonna be with them for the rest of the day." Luke says. He looks at Alex who is laying on his back on his bed with his arms out and his eyes closed. Luke scoots himself closer to Alex before laying down on his back with his head resting on Alex's arm. Alex feels Luke's body weight leaning more on him, opens his eyes, and turns his head so that they're looking at each other. Luke speaks just above a whisper and says, "I wanted some time to spend alone with you."

Alex smiles at Luke and rolls slightly onto his side, inching closer and closer to Luke to give him a kiss. Just as they are about to connect lips, Alex says, "Did you have to wake me up at 9 a.m. though?"

Luke rolls his eyes and pushes Alex's shoulder so that he is flat on his back again. As Alex laughs to himself over frustrating the boy, Luke sits back up and says, "And to think I climbed a tree for you! ... Ungrateful."

Alex sits himself back up and says, "Oh, I'M the drama queen." Luke sends Alex a pout in his direction in response. Alex grabs Luke's hand in his and says "I'm kidding. You know I'm grateful to spend any time I can alone with you." Luke brings Alex's hand up to his lips and places a small kiss on the back of it.

"And... I actually was hoping to get you at some point before we met up with the guys. I wanted to talk to you about something." Alex says in a tone that changes the energy in the room from playful to serious. Luke furrows his eyebrows and turns to face Alex directly as he sits on the bed. "Okay, now you're worrying me." Luke says.

Alex and Luke; A 'Julie and the Phantoms' AUWhere stories live. Discover now