How To Tell If an INTJ likes You

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INTJs don't show their affection in the traditional way, so it might be hard to know if they like you. INTJs are really good at analyzing complex things and solving puzzles - but not at expressing their emotions. Their way of showing affection is really indirect and so it's not really easy to find out.

Here are some obvious signs an INTJ likes you:

- They defend you (You really won't find someone who has your back more than them)

- Giving you important compliments (They compliment your intelligence for example)

- They make your surroundings better

- They'll try to help you achieve your goals

- They tend to be wherever you are

- They care about your issues and they're always there for you

- They TALK to you

Note: I know these signs are really difficult to notice because they're so indirect, But those signs are actually the obvious ones, because INTJs don't do more than that.


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