poggers idea

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"What do you mean im not allowed to stay home?" Toby asked, frowning a bit.
"yes you bitch. you stayed home last week, do you know how depressing that is??" The other, Jack, asked. they had an...odd.. relationship.
"Do you know how depressing it is for you to fail all your classes and not even date anyone?" Toby shot back, giving him a look behind his math homework, raising a brow. It was true, Jack had been single since Junior year in high school. But then again Toby had been single all his life, except in like third grade. but that didn't count. that was kinda sad.

"That's different because, as your determined wing man I cannot be in a relationship until you're in a secure one," He said, acting proud
"I dont think that's how it works Ja-"
"shut, anyways, party at six, that film guy is having one. if youre not there i will personally hunt you down," Jack said, walking out the door.
"We live in the same dorm you asshol-"
"Six!!!" He cut him off, slamming the door.

"asshole," he said, thinking Jack had left.
"Nothing i love you!"
"Thank you!"


Tim, was exactly fifteen rooms down the hall from them, specific. yeah yeah, leave me alone. But college wasn't college without your nosy ginger friend coming to invade your love life and personal space.

So Brian, being the great friend he is, had slapped his juice out of his hand. So now the two were looking at the floor as the orange liquid spread, fast. He didnt think that through okay um-

"You dropped my juice," Tim mumbled, breaking the silence
"You're welcome,"
"So you know how you have been lonely and sad, whining to me how you dont have a boyfriend?" Brian said, cutting the other off
"What makes you think im into guys?" Tim asked, picking the cup up.
"It's obvious Timmy," He said, patting his shoulder and laying down dramatically on the couch next to him, almost on him. "what-"
"shush timothy let me finish"
"what kind of drugs are you on today?" He sighed, sadly use to this. he wanted to be paired with a sane roommate.
"that hurts- Anyways Alex kralie-" He made two circles with his fingers and put them on his eyes to symbolize his glasses, like he'd remember him that way, which he did.
"glasses, film student?" he asked, going to the kitchen for a rag. in a bag. to clean the juice brian had spilled.
"Yeah! Anyways he told me about this poggers party that he's having,"
"Please stop saying poggers-" Tim sighed, not liking the word like some o t h e r people. not poggers by the way.
"no you white bitch, anyways Alex is having a party and he kindly invited us."

In the distance you could hear a door slam and someone yell "Six!!" Brian went to speak but was cut off by the person again, "what?!"
"Nothing i love you!" spoke a different voice, more muffled.
"Thank you!" Brian waited so he wouldnt be rudely interrupted by them again.

Tim gave him a confused look, and Brian shrugged, "Not them, dont recognize them- anyways you're coming with me cause you're very very sad and single."
"what does that have to do with anything??" Tim asked, "We have to get you a novio!" Brian said, frowning, and slipping into a terrible spanish accent.
"Please stop speaking spanish-" Tim sighed, "Come to the party and i will!"
"fine!" He agreed, surprisingly, "But! i'm bringing a friend i met,"
"Oooh? and who is this boyfriend of yours?"
"not everyone i talk to is my boyfriend brian-" he sighed. now to convince jay.

"no." The odd hat wearing film student said, plainly. "You're the only other person i know- cause of Brian i guess- but i don't wanna be alone!" Tim said, nearly begging.
Jay shook his head, this wasn't even canonically possible! "And you might bail on me, again."
"I was possibly high and had a seizure after-"
"It still hurt at the moment." He said, defending his case. "That boy you were talking about is hosting the party- what's his name um-"
"Alex" Jay responded, typing away on his computer. "That! glasses man! brian said he's hosting it c'mooon. Brian's friends with him he'll work his dumb magic boom dating! and not only that he'll stop harassing me if you come."
"So you're sacrificing me?"
"sorta. if you do this for me i will personally drive you to dairy queen and get you as many as chocolate milkshakes as you want."
Jay frowned, he was not making him choose between those two.

He never really spoke to Brian that much, and being friends with Tim was only cause he forced them to talk to each other. so he didn't know what "working his dumb magic" meant. it could be awkward and uncomfortable, making Alex mostly hate him. but then again. milkshakes.
"fine, whatever, but we have to be back before ten. i still have shit to do."

meanwhile with alex and seth, seth was trying to hang up a weed mistletoe,
"you have an addiction seth!"

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