Lyra didnt die cause shes swag

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Toby woke up feeling calm and relaxed, he didnt have any bad dreams, didn't fall off the bed at three a.m (which happened a lot,) and didnt wake up hungover or smelling like weed, with any cheap lipstick on his lips.

Unlike Jack, who booked it to the restroom at eight am, like in any basic wattpad fanfic. Toby though was nice enough to get him two painkillers and some water. he then later laughed at him, and made fun of his james charles lipstick.

As Jack was in bed, a blanket over him as he cried about hating his existence, like the writer did this morning cause s i c k, Toby was in his bed finishing his dumb math homework that Jack almost ate the day before for some reason. Until a familiar ringtone rang, Jack sat up pointing at Toby's small drawer where his phone blasted the song WAP. "It's Lyra!" His phone originally had the basic ringtone, but Jack said it was boring so when he was in the shower he was able to change Lyra's to WAP, his to Deep throat, and his mom's to the nyan cat theme song.

he hit him with multiple spatulas when he found out, how did he find out? Before Toby left for his math class Jack put his phone on full volume without the other noticing. he then did him the grand favor of c a l l i n g h i m, the minute class ended. meaning? That the singer was very much yelling "H u m p m e , f u-" you get the picture.

Anyways, Toby grabbed his phone and the girl on the line answered, "Toby, my favorite brother,"
"lyra im youre only brother."
"yeah yeah, you looove me,"
"Sadly," He sighed,
"Anyways, whatcha been up to??" Lyra was also in college but she decided she would study in good ol' far away, Harvard, meaning they havent seen each other in a few months. so they often called each other to make sure they weren't dead, "yunno, trying to survive living with Jack, doing math homework-"
"He got laid!" Jack yelled under the blanket,
"I did not- go back to being hung over you dummy!" Toby shouted at him,
"You got HUH?" Lyra asked, obviously surprised. Toby went from zero, not even talking to anybody, to a h u n d r e d, literally f u c- well the other way around, she didnt think the first was one was possible.
"I didnt! stupid Jack dragged me to this stupid party last night and i only TALKED to a guy there," He said, mostly yelling at Jack.
"Hey, im not stupid!" Jack frowned.
"my baby got a BOYFRIEND?!" Lyra shouted from the phone.
"Okay! Why do you two assume i like guys?!"
"Toby, honey, youre obviously a bi disaster baby." Jack said, standing up and flopping on Toby's bed
"yeah, i lived with you for all of your life and i saw the way you looked at Jack in Titanic."
"okay can you blame me?!" Toby asked, which honestly who could, Rose and Jack were h o t.
"Bi disaster!" Jack yelled, pointing an accusing finger at him
"Shut up jack!" Toby yelled, throwing a pillow at him.

and with the poor pansexual, mi hijo and kin, a l e x k r a l i e. He was currently also in bed hating himself. He was in his own dorm which was shared with Seth, thankfully his dog wasnt allowed on campus though. "Seth, im so thankful youre fricking rich i would not be able to clean that mess."
"Yeah, i kinda feel bad because it's a really big mess," Seth replied on his own bed. After Jack and Toby left Jenny threw a tantrum cause her sacrifice had left, whatever that meant. they all just thought she was wasted. thankfully none of them had class on sunday so they were saved.

"hey what'd you think of hat guy??" Seth asked, sitting up and taking out Brian's other juul he stole. "Hat guy??" Alex asked, confused, he stayed laying down though. "That- um- that guy Brian said was a good script supervisor" Seth said
"oh, him? dont know never got his name," Which was true, Jessica had stolen him before he could talk to him. Trying to convince him to try w e e d. dont do drugs k i d s. "seems alright though, pretty de-" Before he could finish Seth cut him off
"Oh so you think he's p r e t t y ?"
"You didnt let me finish-"
"I knew you weren't straight,"
"well not fully," Alex shrugged
"Ah, so im right?!"
"go fucc your weed mistletoe will you??" Alex grumbled. The gays having a gay mental break down. fun. well pan ig.

Back to Toby and Jack because plot i guess and so this chapter can match the title, they had moved from Toby's phone on call to Jacks computer on face time. Lyra looked mostly the same, nice blonde hair pulled into a ponytail with her harvard sweater. Jack looked like a mess though so they were mostly making fun of him.

for background info so i dont explain later cause u g h, the two still had gotten in the same car accident *coughs in remember this later with shibs gets serious* but both were able to survive, Lyra did have to go to some physical therapy since she had trouble walking and a few surgeries. they were both doing better though. They were both supposed to go to therapy but Toby hadnt been going. they dont really think about it much, because of that no one but their mom knows about it.

They talked about people in Harvard mostly, who was dating who, who had what, who d i d (you see in movies) who and who Lyra found interesting. Much like Toby and Jack (yeah him too), Lyra was also a bi disaster. So naturally Toby talked about Sarah who was in some in his math class. "So enough about the third gay in the room, you two need a boyfriend, Jack i trust you get my baby with the sideburns guy," She said to which Jack nodded eagerly,
"Toby you find Jack someone who's just as a crackhead like him," She added on
"i dont know if i should be offended or not." Jack huffed.
"anyways ya gurls got a hot date with math class so see ya losers," They all said their goodbyes before they hung up.
"as if you can find someone as crackhead as me," Jack laughed acting- s o proud of it
"actually i know someone," He nodded.

As the day went on Jack decided to go buy some food since the two didnt want to cook. Toby because he would burn the place down and Jack because he would burn himself. Toby was on his way to help Jack since he had texted him, so he walked fifteen rooms down before Jack called him. his dumb phone was on high volume so he rushed to turn it off as the lyrics were shouted, "h u m p m e , f u c C m e d a d-" he managed to hang up and looked up to see Jack laughing at him, "I really hate you."

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