7-11 with the gays cue the heathers music

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Tim, Jay, and Brian were entering a 7-11, starting with them cause Toby and Jack are tired of starting off, Tim and Jay didn't know why they were here. Brian just dragged them here and told them to buy a l o t of things. so they each had handful of snacks. they were giving them to the cashier, who wanted to throw himself off the building, to ring up. While the poor cashier suffered and tried to figure out a way to tell his boss he needs a raise or peace out Tim and Jay were questioning Brian. "whaaaaaaaaat??"
"what do you mean "whaaaaaaaaaaat"?? We've been asking you what we're doing for this past hour!" Tim said, yeah they were in the car and 7-11 for an hour blah blah. "Yeah, mind telling us what's going on??" Jay added on. "alright bi disaster and gay™"
"how the fucc did he speak in font??"
"idk man dont ask me,"
"shUsh, i'm t a l k i n g. Anyways, Jessica is having a party with Amy," Brian explained,
"Aren't they dating??" Tim asked, to which Brian nodded, i told you. the plot is gay.
"And they messaged me saying that they will get me b r o w n i e s, if yk yk, if i bought the snacks. i'm paying with their credit card though so win win," He shrugged, already paying. "Another party??" Jay complained to which Brian nodded.
"yeah! Nothing happened between you and Alex and Timmy didn't get a boyfriend so until both happen expect a l o t of parties in your future." He said. Both groaned in response.

then the door ringed, motioning someone had come in, the three didnt pay attention. until Tim remembered their voices. "No Jack that is not an excuse for cult sacrifici-" The voice was cut off by a ringtone, "hUMP ME FU-"
"JACK- i will call the witch girl, stop fucking calling me-"
"Fine fine! Let's just get the slurpees and monsters and go, the marathon of scary movies is calling my name," Jack said, laughing and reaching for a monster.

That's when Brian had suddenly remembered, "wait we need a soda! come with me tim-" Before he could tell him no and to suck a pp he was dragged to the freezer which was, thank the writer, right next to the two. it took Jack about twenty seconds before shouting "Oh my gosh twitches it's your boyfriend!!" Jack yelled pointing at Tim
"god i fucking hate you," Toby muttered, once he saw Tim.
"Boyfriend?? Timmy! You never told me about him!" Brian frowned

"Ouch!" Jack yelled, covering Toby's ears while the other pushed him off
"I met him at the party when you and jay abounded me, where we planned your's and his roommate weeding,"

"You both are crackheads that thrive to make our lives like a wattpad fanfic," Toby explained
"First of all im not a crackhead like this crackhead," Jack pointed at brian, "i am a wing man," he finished
"wait- what's that supposed to mean?!"

"guys can you please leave it's like twelve am and im fuccing hungry." The cashier said, cutting off their argument. the four went up to the cashier, Jay had already payed most of it and was eating a stale cookie. After they payed for everything the three shoved everything in the car.

"hey Tim dont we know that guy??" Jay asked, pointing at Toby who was paying for two slurpees while Jack talked about a cult sacrifice. "You told Jay and not me!" Brian said offended, "que?"
"No Brian i didnt- He goes to our English class remember?" And Jay nodded making quiet "ohhhhhh" sound.

The two in the 7-11 got out and Toby pulled Jack forward before he decided to make social interaction with Jay, Brian and Tim. They were pretty far away from them but the three could still hear their conversation. "This girl in my medically class said she's throwing a party," Jack said, slurping his uhh slurpee. "Amy?" Toby asked, doing the same and Jack nodded, "cool when?"

Brian turned to Tim and he sighed in "god dammit this party's gonna be miserable" before getting in the car as Brian drove back to the building with Starships by Nicki Minaj played ear deafening loudly.


About three hours later Jack was walking outside to meet his sister since she was in town for a dumb trip her school made her take. the two weren't exactly "the best siblings" and often fought but she had brought him a book and some food to make up for their last argument. But before he could pass the fifteen room someone else came out, literally slamming the door on his face, "ow!" he yelled, holding his nose which was now bleeding, "oh shit sorr- oh it's the wingman crackhead," If it wasnt obvious, Brian said. still a bit offended of what he said. "yeah you got your payback. by possibly breaking my nose!"
"sorry- i didnt know you were there!"
"it's fine- you owe my roommate a date though" Jack replied, listen it was fair payback and he had single roommate w h o m he loved to make suffer. "can it be tim?"
"good enough."
"Poggers!" He took out his phone and went to say something but Jack snatched it,tapped and typed before handing it back to him. "and noow you have my number, for crackhead wing man purposes." Jack said, oh s o proud of himself
"you literally put your contact name as crackhead wing man purposes."
"hey you speak in abbreviations too!"

it was silent for a while, two crackhead wing man thriving to make their roommates love life a wattpad fanfic, bonding. "oh do you want paper youre bleeding on the floor-"
"yeah id like that very much-"

mother mother kinniesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon