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"what the fucc are we doing here?" Jay asked, he was on Brians bed, a blue notebook on his face, covering his eyes. the top half of his body hanging off. Brian was laying on the floor, a red notebook on his face. The two were originally there to study for a math test. Then the c o o k i e s. too hard to resist. so the two were stoned out of their mind. Jay had said a bunch of things that made Brian cry earlier and now the two were just sorta l o s t. laughing a lot too. haha idiots. "how- how do you say tortilla in spanish??" Brian asked, removing the red note book and looking at Jay, watching the blue one on his face slip. "arent you- like supposed to be d e a d? arent i supposed to be d e a d?"
"jay, i t o l d you, this is an au where noooone of that happens."
"ahhh right, i have the - uhhhhh- third eye!"

Then Tim came home, "what the fuck?"
"Timmy tee! Tell this man, ham is not gross or m o i s t." Brian said, on the verge of tears,
"i thought we were over this bri!"
"oh cry me a table dead boy! YoU died f i r s t. dISGUSTING."

Tim sighed at his crying roommate and his friend attacking said roommate with a pool noddle. "Jay please stop harassing Brian-"

"i dont even want to know what that means." Tim muttered, going to take away the pool noodle.

half an hour later the two high idiots were in Tim's bed, laughing like idiots. Brian's phone went off earlier and the contact read "wing man crackhead purposes" but decided he'll ask him later since he wouldve threatened him with a brick again, whatever that meant. "mY LONELINESS ISS KILLInG ME AND IIII" Jay started, which startled and confused poor Timmy tee
"I MUST CONFESS I STILL BELIEVE" and now they were singing Brittney spears. Greaaat.
"WRONG SONG YOU IDIOT." hat boy yelled at him, flicking his hair.
"WELL MAYBE I WANNA SING THAT SO N G." Brian yelled back
"go back to laughi-" Tim began but was cut off by Jay
"AGA- THIS IS A TWO STORY BUILDIN- WAIT J A Y N O." Tim yelled, while the other tried to push Brian out the window while he screamed "yOULL NEVER TAKE MEEE ALIVE"

cut to two hours later the two were now sitting on the floor drinking a juice box. Brian wrapped with towels since he was soaking wet with p o o l water. Jay, was tied with rope, so Tim had to hold up his juice box. The original plan was zip ties but when he got them out Jay began to scream "not again" while Brian laughed at him. "Timmy tee," Brian said, looking at him while chewing on his straw
"yes, Dumb?" Tim replied, minor fact i left out, whoopsies, Tim had wrote on their foreheads "dumb" and "dumber" which fit them greatly.
"do you think i can fit twenty marshmallows in my mouth??" he tried to hold up twenty fingers but when he only saw ten he began to cry.
"youre a hazard to society," Tim sighed, wanting sleep.
"and a coward. do forty!"
"jay d o n t encourage him. and you arent allowed to speak yet!"
"but he disrespected the song, and made fun of me for dying!" he complained, drinking more juice.
"you guys are gonna kill me."
"no! You live!"
"How come H E liVES?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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