brownies go brrr

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Once getting to Seth's house, which was twenty minutes away, Toby literally had to be pulled from the passenger seat and be dragged to the front door.

The only reason he agreed was because he thought Jack would forget, he didn't actually think he'd be dragged to a, most likely sorority party, at eight pm. when at exactly eight o five Jack would leave him to- well who knows what jack did. their were pretty girls, pretty guys, pretty theys. didnt he like that one girl? whats her face uhhh- jenny!

Once the front door opened he could smell cheap booze and weed, and brownies. He mentally frowned since they probably had weed, someone had to keep Jack alive sadly. Once Jack had a short greeting conversation with a guy that was holding a weed mistletoe and another which had glasses, they both began walking who knows where.

"you better not leave me dummy, i didnt even wanna come here." Toby said, Jack threw an arm over him, pulling him close. He already smelt like weed, "Me??? Leave you?? No, no, twitches, my good old friend-"
"dont call me that,"
"we are going to get you laid," Jack finished, covering Toby's mouth so he wouldn't interrupt him again.
"You are a terrible wing man." the other mumbled under his hand Jack only shushed him again.

so after getting something to drink and they sat down on the velvet couch, and at exactly eight o six Toby sent Jack a text

Toaster: frick you

Dummy: lol yw

Jack had left him, a g a i n. Now Toby was sitting down, awkwardly, on that red velvet couch. he drank bottled water since it was the only thing he trusted to drink. Jack, earlier, would slap anything he had to drink and eat, probably in hopes he'd eat the dumb weed brownies and whatever alcoholic drink they had here. his plan failed and he had found a bag of chips, which he had already eaten, and a bottle of water in the back of Jack's car. and now they had to buy more cups since Jack broke four of them.

Toby was waiting for Jack to get tired and want to leave, someone had almost vomited on him and everywhere he turned people were doing- not so pure things.

he made the mistake of thinking having thirty percent before leaving the house was okay, because now his phone was clinging onto the five percent, meaning it would die soon.

he huffed and waited, more hoping, for someone to save him from the awkwardness hole he dug himself into.

Outside of the house stood three other guys, well two, the third one was practically being dragged to the front door, like Toby had earlier. "Jay i literally do not care that you change your mind, i'm getting you m i l k s h a k e s." Tim said, as if milkshakes were the most rare thing in the world. "i changed my mind- you guys are kidnapping- this is- this is jaynapping!" Jay yelled. but the parking lot, which was a park across from Alex's house, was empty as it should be at eight thirty pm.

"Youre only gonna be here for an hour and a half! cmoon dont be lame like Timmyyy" Brian huffed, to which Tim flicked his forehead. Once the two were able to drag him to the front door Sarah and Jessica greeted them, fortunately for Jays sake.

Once inside, the door was closed and crowded with people, making it hard to leave. Jay huffed and before he could complain he was being dragged away by Brian to obviously Alex so he could "work his magic"

That meant Tim was left alone, he had gotten a brownie though since he had nothing better to do. He also stole grapes from Alex fridge cause he was a pp to him earlier. grosero.

Most of the seats were being occupied by- totally pure things, until he found a velvet couch that only a pretty awkward, one or both take it or leave it, was sitting on looking like he was regretting all life decisions. Having no where else to sit down at he sighed, going over and making a mental note to slap Brian. "this seat taken?" He asked, ah yes two awkward guys being forced to a party by their roommate, bonding. romantic, cue the anime hearts and sound affects rebbeca.

mother mother kinniesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ