Chapter Two

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Kane appeared a bit away on top of a building. He looked down at where the Golden Dawn knights were below. Other magic knights now were there helping them, Kane just stepped back but paused as a felt someone behind him. He turned quickly as something shot at him he jumped out of the way quickly. He then grunted as strings wrapped around his wrists. He turned forward as he saw those who attacked him.

"Black Bulls," He said his voice calmly. "I have to say I am impressed, clever trap."

" what do you want with those two?" Asked Yami who stood behind with his sword drawn.

"As I told the other captain down there. I would rather die than betray the man I work for," He replied. He then turned his gaze to the three other knights who stood before him.

"I take it was your wizard king who set up this secret trap...yes?" He then asked them.

"HEY! How did you know?" Asta asked.

"I am not an idiot....Asta." He replied he did smirk a bit as he saw his shocked expression. Guess I have to handle this a little more then...I am sorry sir. He thought as he moved his fingers and a wave of power blasted out knocking everyone back a bit and some off their feet.

Now free of this spell he stood fully and drew his sword. "It is a bit of annoyance I have to handle all of you but very well." He said.

He raised his sword up and turned to block Yami's blade that clashed against his. Kane moved quickly back swinging his arm up having Yami move back. Kane dodged another attack from a water spell from Noelle. This was going to be an annoyance a very big one. This was an annoyance with out being able to use any of his magic. Besides if they planned this trap well he will be sure to give the warning not to underestimate them. He dodged the next attacks that came and at the last moment he did dodge one of Finral's spells.

Kane held back his curse as Asta charged at him he did block the attack with his sword but he had to move back quickly. The sword he had was a very powerful magic sword so it did drain a good portion of the power that it had. "That's it," He silently cursed as he held out his hand and whispered his spell and a blast sent all of them backward.

He then slammed his sword into the ground and sent another powerful blast out cracking some of the buildings around him he stood up and held his sword out. "Another blast of my power will destroy some of the buildings around us. I can some people are still inside them...I will give you this choice. Step back or else some innocents will be dying to night. "What's your choice magic knights?" He asked.

"Captain?" Asked Vanessa. Over this time Yami was holding back due to the area around them as well as he was trying to gauge what was the level of power this guy had. Or even what kind of magic he was using.
"Yes...what are your orders?" Kane asked standing ready.

"What's even your goal!" Asta asked still ready to attack him. "You are just hurting people who never hurt you!"

"I said before. I would rather death then give any information up to-" He was cut off as a flash appeared and when it died down there was a silve cage around him.

"You are losing your touch Kane," A new voice said walking over. A young woman stepped into view, she had long silver hair and bright eyes. A grimroe floated beside her, the book was a mirror of what a night sky looked like.

"Impossible! You are supposed to be dead!" Kane said.

"We should be a lot of things," Said the woman beside her. This one had dark red hair and light green eyes. "Like I should be at home in a hot bath but nope! Here we all are."

"Huh! Who are you two?!" Asta asked looking over at them.

"Our apologies my name is Arasne and this is Ariaki," The one with silver hair said. "The one over there is named Kane."

"So you two know who he is?" Yami asked.

"We have been tracking him as well as those he works with," Arasne replied.

"Maybe you can give us some answers then," Noelle said. "Would you know why they are after magic knights?"

"Well I am sorry but I only know a bit about your kingdom, so the answer will be hard to say currently." She replied.

"All of you are from one of the other kingdoms?" Yami asked her.

"No. We are from a continent across the sea to the west of here." She replied. "As is he and it will be better to talk more once we get him somewhere more secure,"

"Finral! Get us a portal to the castle!" He ordered.

"Yes sir," Finral said.

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