Chapter Three

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Later in the castle the Wizard King was speaking to the two mages. "So. You two are from a whole other continent?" Asked the wizard king to them.

"That's what we said," Ariraki said with a yawn. He nods and then he had to ask, "What magic does this Kane have...and you two?"

"Kane uses Vibration Magic and I have Star Magic," Arasne said. "Ariraki has Chaos Magic."

"Really! What do those do? I have never heard of them before!" He asked excitedly but a small cough from Marx got him to nod and give a small sigh. "Right...neve remind that right now."

"We can explain more once we meet up with the others who are with us," Arasne said. "If I can just open the window I can send them a signal to meet up with us here."

"Of course," He said and stepped off to the side to let her to the window. She opened it and held out her hand. "Star magic: Star sign,"

A blast of golden light flared up into the sky and looked a lot like a shooting star. She turned to see Wizard King looking excited. "That is incredible!"

"It is nothing special. They will be here shortly," She said as she returned to her seat.

"Good. I hope we will be able to help each other in this matter," He said.

"As do I," Arasne said. "These people are very dangerous and are not to be taken lightly. Their leader is not only powerful but brilliant."

"He's also missing half his marbles," Snorted Ariraki.

"...that too I guess." Arasne sighed. She then turned her head hearing a knock at the door then it opening. "Ah. These are the captains of the magic knights." The wizard king exsplained.

"Dang...should have came here sooner. Guys here are hot." Ariraki said as Arasne shot her a look.

"Ariraki. Focuse please." She said.

"Your no fun," Ariraki said as she leaned back in her chair stretching. Arasne just sighed and turned to these captains.

"These were two that were able to defeat someone even the great captain of the royal guard could not." Jack-the ripper asked as he eyed the two. William gave him a small look then looked to the two women there. He was healed enough and insisted to come to this meeting.

"I was only able to capture Kane that easily because he was distracted," Arasne said.

"Whichever way it was would you know why they are after magic knights?" Asked Charlotte turning to them.

"Actually I think they are just after you two," William said turning to Nozel and Fuegoleon.

"Why do you say this?" the wizard king asked.

"Something this Kane said." He told them as he quickly explained what happened in his fight. After he finished the two women were silent but a new voice stepped in. "That is a harder question to answer,"

"Aithlin!" Said Arasne standing up quickly. "This is Aithlin and Rathel." She adds introducing the two newcomers.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance," Aithlin said with a short bow.

"As yours...what magic can you do?" The wizard king asked. Marx behind him cleared his throat and he sighed. "Right. Later. You said that is a hard question to answer."

"Well if they were just going after random knights it would be a bit easier. Since most likely they are going after their power or something similar." He said. "Yet if they are going after two specific people. Then it actually gets harder since the reasons they have are much wider."

"Then maybe you can tell us who they are if you can not explain why they are here." Feugoleon offered.

"I only had a chance to explain who Kane was." Arasne said.

"We also told them their leader is dangerous and missing a lot of his marbles." Ariraki said.

"Ah. I see. Whatever his true name is, he never let anyone know. The name most people know him as is Acelin. He rules over an island fortress as well." He said.

"That's all you know?" Asked Nozel raising an eyebrow a bit.

"He's very good at keeping to the shadows and only stepping into the light when he has to." Aithlin said.

"So there is nothing you can tell us?" He then asked.

"We did not say that." Arasne said.

"Right. We may not know a lot of personal information but we do know how he acts and thinks." Aithlin said. "We can figure out their next move. They most likely will plan to find hostages and either try to get you to pass Kane or break him out. Most likely taking hostages."

"Can you figure out who they'll take?" William asked.

"Most likely someone close to them. Unless..." his voice trailed off though.

"Unless what?" Yami asked.

"Unless we get them to chase after us before they came make their move." He said.

"And how do you recommend you do that?" The wizard king asked.

"Well we got Kane and those two. I have a portal spell that's impossible to follow even for them." Ariraki said.

"As well as most places in our country he does have to worry about being a leader and acting as one. Even being an insane and cruel one." He said.

"You're suggesting bringing us to your kingdom?!" Asked Nozel in shock.

"That's about right. Yes." He answers "also there I can think of a small handful of people who can figure how why they want you in the first place."

There was a moment of silence before Yami started laughing. "Ha! To thing that you'll have to get foreigner's help and then become a foreigner yourself!" He laughed much to Nozel's annoyance.

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