Bartlett all over again

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B/n= Brother's name
Y/n= Your name
H/l= Hair length
H/c=Hair color

Y/n's POV

I was walking through the woods back to my truck with my rifle slung over my shoulder. I look at my watch and think to myself 'If I keep up the pace I can have lunch with B/n before his next class.' As I keep on the trail I see my 1984 F-150 come into view. I fold the front seat forward to have access to the back seat and I unload my rifle and put the rounds back on their stripper clip. So DNR stops me they can't get me for hunting from the road. As I drive to the University I think to myself 'I hope Chief doesn't find out I wore my ABU's hunting'

*Time skip*

As I arrive at the University I park my truck I was about to get out when I see a box truck pull up and people in gas masks and hazmat suits? As they open the back door I see what looks like a bomb of some kind and white masks. I grab my phone and call the police and tell them that the white masks are at the University with bombs I also call the University front office and tell them the same thing. As I reach in the backseat to grab my rifle and load it to hopefully stop the loss of life I see a campus security guard walk up to the masks and get shot. After seeing this I shove extra ammo and my pocket and take cover to hopefully not get shot. I look out from behind cover and see a mask with heavy armor and an LMG walking to the courtyard as fast as I can I line up the shot and fire. *BANG* I feel the recoil in my shoulder as the round leaves the gun and makes its way to the masks head. The sound of the gunshot makes the students look at the masks falling body they scream and start running. As the other masks See and hear students screaming and running the masks start lobbying gas grenades full of yellow smoke. I sit behind my cover and say 'whatever deity is out there please be with these students and keep them safe.'

Six's POV

I get a call from a police department in West Virginia saying that the white masks are attacking a university and are believed to have bombs. Fearing the worst I get on the PA and say 'ALL OPERATORS REPORT TO THE BRIEFING ROOM THIS IS NOT A DRILL! I REPEAT ALL OPERATORS REPORT TO THE BRIEFING ROOM THIS IS NOT A DRILL!'
As I grabbed my laptop I rushed to the briefing room and it met by all operators in different states of dress some in their pajamas others in full combat gear.

Six: We have a situation a university in West Virginia is under attack by the white masks! They are believed to have bombs unknown if they are chemical or not! I want the following operators to prep for immediate deployment! Ash, Blackbeard, Thatch, Finka, Montagne, Doc, Valkyrie, Pulse, Tachanka, and Rook!  The rest of you be on alert we may need you. Now get ready the chopper is already starting up on the airfield. As everybody scrambles to get ready quietly say to myself 'God be with us.'

*Time skip*

As the operators load into back then chopper I give them a brief rundown of what's going to happen. I want Ash to lead the assault on the masks any civilians you come across send them to the defenders line. At the defender's line Valkyrie will take lead and help take in and secure civilians that are sent your way as well as make sure that no masks escape. Doc you will work alongside paramedics and emergency services to treat the injured. Now go show them what Rainbow's made of!

Y/n's POV

I snuck up behind a mask and ran my bayonet through their chest covering my blouse in their blood. After I sheath my bayonet on my hip I took their gas mask and made my way into the school. As I am clearing classrooms I find nothing but body's. I then hear a helicopter and think 'Help is here.' After a few minutes I hear an explosion and gunfire so I make my way there to help. As I round a corner I see the masks in a firefight with someone so I fire a few rounds killing three masks I then here something behind me. I turn and am met by the butt of a gun. As the gun makes contact with my mask the lens cracks and I fall to the ground I look up at my attacker as I hear the burst of a rifle I see the mask fall limp to the floor and I hear a female voice say.

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