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Babe 💗


Please comeback

I love you

Don't leave me



You saw my messages last night

I forgive you everything

Please come back

I'm hurting do much

Thinking everything could have been different



It's been more than a week and still no answer

Please tell me to fuck off at least

You were the one leaving but I'm the one hurting

I love you

Seeing you with him is killing me


[11:46 pm]

It's been more than two weeks now

You still didn't block my number

I saw you in the cafeteria his arms around you

It was like what we had never happened

Was it a dream ?

It must have been a nightmare for you

I still love you

Like crazy

Every little thing bring me back to you

I think I'm going mad

Please come back

I love you babe



Felix couldn't take it anymore, Jeongin had changed drastically since the break up with Hyunjin.

He didn't smile anymore, didn't laugh, his eyes didn't shine as much as usual, they always had that sad vibe now. He didn't eat properly and had lost hours of sleep.

He was a shadow of the old Yang Jeongin.

Felix had tried multiple times to make it understand it wasn't the end of the world. That love could be found somewhere else but Jeongin was stubborn.

He loved Hwang Hyunjin and Hwang Hyunjin only.

So Lee Felix had to take the matter into his hands, not wanting to see his best friend in such a state.

The answer to his problem was an app called "Back Door", he had got the idea from his room mate Changbin. The plan was simple, sign Jeongin up and get him to talk to a stranger to move on.

Back Door xJeongChanxDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora