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Why did you sign up ?

Why are you hurting ?

Sleep for 8 hours and I will answer

Really ?

Just like that


I need to go i think my roommate is back

Talk to you tomorrow

Beomgyu was really back when Jeongin left his room, he was making himself a sandwich, Jeongin concluded, deciding to join.

"Make one for me too. " He asked cutely, sitting up on the counter.

Beomgyu puffed his cheeks. "You have hands." He called back but Jeongin eventually got his sandwich at the end. They settled down on their small table, Beomgyu looked as bad at him, dark circles under his tired eyes, dressed in a big white hoodie, surely one of Soobin.

"I'm sorry for last night." Beomgyu said, taking a bite. "I was totally drunk, sorry if I crossed a line."

"It's not everyday your roommate asks you to have a threesome with his boyfriend." Jeongin said playfully, embarrassing Beomgyu some more.

He groaned at the words. "I was really out of it, Soobin scolded me so bad. I thought I really pushed him to his limit."

"What ?" Jeongin asked surprised, Soobin never got angry.

"Last night when you left the room, he got angry with me. He said I really messed up and was inconsiderate to you." Beomgyu explained.

"I'm not mad Gyu, you didn't mess up or anything." Jeongin reassured him the best he could. "You know me enough by now."

"That's what I told Soobin, but you know how polite he is."

"I will talk to him if you want" Jeongin offered, "I don't want my OTP to break off or something."

"Don't worry, he isn't getting rid of me that easily." Beomgyu said cheerfully.

"You really love him don't you ?" The older asked back even if he knew the answer.

"He is my boyfriend, of course dumbass." Beomgyu blushed but quickly came back to himself. "And you how is it going ?

"Huh ?"

"With Chris ? Did he send a pic ?"

"No, not yet."

"A dick pic maybe-"

"Yah Choi Beomgyu-"

"Oh I see, you totally saw his dick-"

"CHOI BEOMGYU." He screamed at his face, blood rushing to his ears.

Jeongin's sunday ended with him running after his dumb room mate, threatening him with a broom to shut his loud mouth close.


Jeongin's Monday morning is pretty dead, he was two classes before joining Seungmin and Felix for lunch, surprisingly Changbin was here too along with a small blonde haired male Jeongin recognized as Han Jisung.

He didn't know him that well, he only knew his age, the same as his besties and that Changbin was protective of him.

"Hi guys !" He greeted, sitting down with his tray.

"Hi Innie !" He sat down next to Seungmin, just across Jisung so it was quite awkward.

"Hi I'm Jisung," The blonde male introduced himself. "Vocal major."

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