Chapter Two

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The following Thursday...
Well, my team won the tournament with a shutout each of the four games we played. We kind of had a straight score each time of 3-0, with most of the goals being scored by me.

I'm sitting in second period when the teacher, Mrs. Waters, class phone rings, in which she stops teaching to answer.

She speaks for a moment before looking straight at me then putting the phone back on the dock thing.

"Autumn, Coach needs to see you in his office." She says, causing me to be overcome with fear of why he needs to see me. "Do I need to take my stuff?" I ask. "He didn't say but the bell is gonna ring in a few minutes so probably." She says. I then quickly put my textbook and notebook in my backpack before leaving the class.

I make my way to the first floor and quickly to the hallway beside the gym that holds the locker rooms for gym and basketball and all and the offices of the coaches.

Coach's office has always been the last one on the left. His door is open so I knock on the door as I walk in, but notice Jill Ellis, Hope, Becky, Alex, and Tobin who were all at the games during the tournament, standing around the office.

"Morning, AJ. Have a seat." Coach says and motions to the chairs in front of his desk. I nervously take a seat. "I'm sure you're familiar with Coach Ellis and her players?" Coach asks. "Yes, sir." I say and acknowledge the incredible women in the room. Coach nods to Coach Ellis and she begins speaking.

"Miss Heath, we were very impressed with your level of skills in the sport. I spoke with the Coaches of the U teams, and they believe that your talent is higher than the youth teams, and good enough for the senior team. What you presented in the tournament and I hear is the same as you show any day on the pitch, whether it be practice or a game, is something that we will never have enough of on the US Women's National Team." She says and I sit, taking it in and trying to understand it.

"So...I'm kind of confused." I say, causing the adults to give a small laugh. "We'd like you to join the National Team." Coach Ellis says, and I'm in pure shock. "M- Me? On the senior team?" I ask and Coach Ellis nods. "I'd love to take the offer, but I have to speak to my family first." I say. "That's fine." She says.

The bell rang twice while we were talking so I'm given a pass to my next class.

After school...
I make it home and immediately see my adoptive parents sitting in the living room. They must be back from business.

"Would it kill you to not dress fancily?" I joke. That's been in the family ever since I was little. They give a small smile. I set my backpack down and sit down myself.

"So, I know I'm needed for meetings and shit, but... I was just invited to be part of the National Team." I say. "No." Dad says. "But... I've wanted this chance my whole life. I've worked for this my whole life." I say in a hurt tone seeing as my dream is beginning to be crushed. "No. We need you for business." He says. "I shouldn't be doing this business! I've been running all this illegal shit for you since I was seven. SEVEN. Let me do something I want, now. Something for my future." I say, getting upset. "Don't speak to me like that." He says, standing up and pulling me up by the shirt. "Talk like that again and you know what will happen. "Michael, put her down. Autumn, just go see what your brother needs you to do." Mom says. As tears are in my eyes, and my head is hot from how upset I am, I fix my shirt and grab my backpack before heading down to the basement in which we have a door hidden in the floor that leads to a ladder that we climb down to go deeper under the house, where the guns and drugs are hidden.

"Ant, what runs do you need me to do?" I ask, snapping at him, not meaning to. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks. "It doesn't matter. What do you need me to do?" I say.

He tells me and gives me the backpack I use for deliveries, and tells me it's some of the usuals.

I begin my runs once ready to go.

Tobin's POV
I'm just taking a walk from my hotel, even though the sun is about to set. I used to do this as a kid though in my hometown so I'm fine.

That Heath girl, AJ, she looked like me. Could it be my sister that my family gave up?

I come to a street corner in which I can see into an ally. I see a teenage girl who looks like the AJ girl. I watch as she pulls out a package of something and hands it to a guy who then hands her a large roll of cash.

She's dealing?

Once the guy leaves the ally, she doesn't. I subtly make my way over and into the ally.

"Hey, the hell are you doing?" I whisper yell, and she jumps before turning to look at me. "T- Tobin Heath." She says. "Yeah. We came to recruit you today and I find you handing shit over to people for cash." I say.

"I swear it's not what it looks like." I say as I become scared. "What do you mean? You're selling drugs." She says calmly. Seeing her face to face makes me think of how much we look alike.

"What?" She asks. "People are right. We really do look alike." I say. "Just answer my question, please." She says.

"I'm being forced to do this. I never wanted to. But if you or anyone calls the police, I'm gonna lose not only my family, but I'm gonna be locked up too because my prints. And I'm actively dealing and am in possession." I say and look at the ground. "I don't wanna go to jail. But I'm sure it'd be better than this already shitty life." I say.

"What? No, it won't. If nobody finds out about this, you can come play for the National Team." She says. "I can't. I already talked to my parents and my Dad said no. I'm being forced to stay in the dirty family business." I say.

"If you tell them you were forced, I'm sure they'd understand." Tobin says, and I look at her. "No, they wouldn't. I'm just a kid. They won't believe me." I say. "I'll make sure they do. The look on your face when you told me that they're forcing you was genuine. I know you're not lying." Tobin says. "How do you know I'm not lying? I could just be good at acting." I ask seriously. "I can see the fear in your eyes, AJ." She says, and stops before just slowly nodding. "Here, I'll call the police and get an officer out here, alright?" She says, and I think for a moment before nodding.

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