hurricane •12

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Adalyns pov

I was lifted up and taken to the hospital wing with harry to check for any cuts or scratches that needed to be cleaned. I sat there, my hair tangled in notes attached to the hair tie loosely holding my ponytail in. my shirt was ripped at the shoulder and on the back, the sleeves uneven and frayed from ripping off part of it. my glasses were dirty from falling and the salty tears. Harry didn't look much better than me, but at least his shirt was intact.

"no one believes us," I said softly, feeling numb. three traumatic events in a row caused my emotions to be so overwhelmed that I felt nothing but a dull pain in my heart.

"I know"

"what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know. and its what I'm gonna do. I'm not getting you any more involved" he said firmly

I scoffed "harry, I was almost killed by his little minion. I am as involved as I can get. I'm helping you with whatever you need, and that's final"

he sighed but didn't fight with me anymore. harry got sent back to his dorm, but ms Pomfrey insisted I stay a little longer so she could give me something to help minimize the scars.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see George who I gave a weak smile "Hello, love. had a rough go at it in that task, didn't you?" he said, sitting on the bed with me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

 "Angelina, Fred and lee are on their way over," George said, I nodded. he took my glasses off of my face, cleaned them on his shirt before putting them back on my face. "thank you" I mumbled

I sat there with a straight face, leaning against him "don't baby me over this." I said, sniffling "I don't wanna be babied." I put my legs over his. he smiled and pulled me into his lap, holding me close "I wouldn't dream of it, bunny"

"do you believe me?" I asked


"do you believe me."

"do I believe you when you say the dark lord has returned?" he said, looking down at me. I nodded

"yes. you had no reason to lie about it and you're obviously quite shaken about it" he said. he started to try and get the hair tie that was tangled deeply in my hair as the door opened

"ow," I said, rubbing the spot where he pulled too hard, not knowing his own strength although he was trying to be gentle

"Sorry..." he mumbled, focusing on my hair

"move, Weasley. your big ole giant hands won't be able to get it out" I heard a female voice say which I soon realized was Angelina. I moved out of his lap, he got up and pulled up a chair in front of me, so did Lee and Fred.

Angelina gently started to pull the hair off of the hair tie. we all sat in comfortable silence for a while until Angelina proudly held the hair tie up "Jesus maybe that should've been a task" she said, making me giggle

"is it true?" Fred began "that you saw... you-know-who?" he asked in a hushed voice

I nodded as Angelina held my head still, using a detangling spell on my hair.

Angelina and lee really had become my unofficial siblings. they always were the ones to take care of me, even if I begged them not to.

"god. I can't even imagine what you've been through, adalyn." lee said softly, putting a hand on my knee

"I'm probably less traumatized than the girls you dated" I sneered with a small smile, which earned me a slap on my knee.

Ms. Pomfrey came over and made me pull up the legs of my pants and take off the torn up long sleeve Hufflepuff shirt I had on over a tank top. I heard a small gasp from the four as they saw the scars. deep ones covered my bicep and shoulder, going down my back. there were parts where the scar was so deep that it stayed like that, a crevice in my skin. I looked at them and frowned, a pit filled my stomach as pity filled their eyes. I avoided their gazes, looking at my hands that were folded in my lap. 

she grabbed a potion and handed it to me. I plugged my nose and drank it, gagging afterwards "god is there not a single pleasant-tasting potion?" I asked, looking down at my legs. I saw no change in the scarring. I sighed and pulled the legs of my pants back down and held the ripped shirt in my hand. I looked back at the four in front of me "I'm fine, stop looking at me like that" I muttered

"I wasn't! I was thinking about how ugly your face is" Fred said with a grin. I could always count on him to make light of a heavy situation

we all laughed as I stuck my tongue out at him "we should get going. we have dinner now, don't we?"

everyone murmured their agreements as we left the hospital wing. as we walked, I described what the maze was like per Lee's request. as we walked into the great hall it went quiet, murmurs going around as everyone stared at me or more accurately, my scars.

I held my head up and put my hand in George's, who squeezed it, whispering "you're alright"

I nodded and sat next to Hermione who immediately hugged me "oh I'm so glad you're alright," she said as the usual volume of the great hall returned "I'm not the one you should be worried about" I said nodding towards harry as I began to eat

"he is."

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