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I sighed and rubbed my forehead, getting up and attaching my crutches to my arms "I have a shift in half an hour anyway." I said, grabbing my purse that was next to me. George got up as well " there's no one watching the shop right now, is there?" he groaned, quickly saying goodbye before apparating.

I chuckled, holding out my arm for Angelina to apparate us. we were sucked in and dropped in the hospital

"adalyn! you're early" the head healer said to me. His name was Atticus Wheeler and he was possibly the most insufferable git I had ever met.

I gave him a polite smile "yes, my boyfriend's brother is here because the idiot set himself on fire" I chuckled "Just here to check on him"

"Why couldn't your boyfriend come?" he asked

"He has a business to run, excuse me," I said, making my way with Angelina towards the room with Fred in it

"adalyn," Cho said with a smile "your mom is here to pick you up, Weasley" she teased

"Hi cho," I chuckled at the joke "how the hell did you set yourself on fire, idiot?"

"fireworks" he muttered, wearing burnt clothes. he got up and was quickly forced to sit back down

"stay, Weasley" cho said, wrapping his arm in a bandage

"so cho he's fine?"

"yes yes, just overdramatic" she giggled

"jesus so my lunch was interrupted for no reason?" i pinched the bridge my nose "i might just get pregnant for the time off at this fucking point"  i muttered

"george would not be happy about that" fred chuckled

"i know i know" i groaned "i'm gonna go back to the flat i have a shift in fifteen." i said, pulling my wand out of my bun and waving it. i appeared in the living room and saw George on the couch reading the daily prophet, his reading glasses on the tip of his nose

"hey bunny" he said, looking up "it was a slow day so i just closed up early" he smiled

i chuckled and kissed his cheek "lucky you, i have to go get in my scrubs" i said, running my hand along his jaw that has stubble growing on it.

"blasted thing, a job is" he chuckled, running his fingers through my hair "that's why i work for myself"

"yeah don't have that option as a healer" i muttered, kissing along his jaw before placing one on his lips

"you picked a stupid job" he said against my lips

"thank you, i'm aware" i chuckled and went to our shared room, putting on my scrubs and pulling my hair back into a bun. i walked back out and looked at george again, who was grinning at me

"why are you looking at me like that? did you hex my scrubs?"I said as my shoulders dropped "george i can't i'm sorry tired i can't deal with a pra-"

he kissed my forehead "no you just look so cute in them. you sometimes you almost look like that shy girl i saw the first day of my 6th year..."

"hey hey i was never shy!" i protested

"agree to disagree" he shrugged

"no no no we are having a fight about this after my shift" i poked him in the chest before kissing his cheek, apparating to work

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