altitude 24

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AN- sorry this is not that long of a chapter! also if you like this story check out my other ones, the ginny one will be updated today as well

my pov

the next morning I woke up with George beside me. I smiled and laid on top of him, resting my head on his chest. he opened one eye and looked at me with a chuckle.

"mmm. good morning bunny. what time is it?" he asked, sitting up and wrapping his arms around me. he grabbed my glasses off of my nightstand and put them on my face. I laughed and checked my watch "oh its 6:45" I said "we're up early"

"ugh lets go back to sleep" he whined, kissing the top of my head. he ran his fingers through my tangled hair as he stretched his back

"or we can go on an early morning swim..." I  suggested, closing my eyes. my moment of peace was soon interrupted by him getting out of bed and moving me off of his chest

"yes yes a swim sounds amazing lets uh- lets go swim" he said, grinning at me

I laughed "You just want to see me in a bathing suit again" I said, getting up and poking him in the chest

"very much so, yes" he laughed, pulling me into his chest. he kissed the top of my head and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder

"hey hey what are you doing?!" I squealed as he began to walk. he handed me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it and I laughed

"am I supposed to brush my teeth upside down?!" I asked him

"well Im not putting you down so figure it out" he snickered

"I hate you" I muttered and began to brush my teeth "turn a-wond pwease" I said with my mouth full. He spun around and I spit out the toothpaste "why are we doing this?!" I asked

"I wanted to make your morning extra inconvenient" he said, patting the back on my thighs

"wow thank you, love you too" i muttered sarcastically as he put me down

"you're so welcome I love you too" he chuckled and spit out his toothpaste, kissing my cheek "go get dressed" he said, smiling and looking over me head to toe

"stop undressing me with your eyes!" I said, smacking his chest and walking out of the room

I grabbed a green bikini with a floral design and put it on, throwing on one of georges t-shirts over it. I grabbed two towels and held them over my arm

he came out of the bathroom in a pair of purple swim shorts "hello handsome" I said with a big grin

"hello beautiful" he said back, pulling me to his chest and then apparating us outside.

I held my stomach "Give me a warning!" I whined

"whats the fun in that?!" he said with a laugh

I rolled my eyes, but smiled and took off the shirt I was wearing along with my glasses. he walked up behind me and pulled me flush against him. i giggled and leaned my head on his chest

"are we gonna get in the pool or are you just gonna be horny?" I asked

"cant I be both?" he asked, kissing my jawline

"No you cant" I said

"well in that case" he said, picking me up and throwing me in the pool

I swam to the surface and looked at him "this is the second time you've done that to me!" I complained, laughing. I paused when I heard two hushed voices giggling and walking towards us. george got in the water with me, not hearing the voices. I kept my eyes at the area the voces were coming from until i saw curly brown hair next to a redhead

ron and hermione

I grinned "hello lovebirds!" I yelled to them as George picked me up and put me on his shoulders

ron looked at me, turning bright red "we thought uh- everyone was uh- asleep" he explained

"i already knew about you too I caught Hermione sneaking out of your room one night" I smirked, holding georges forehands as his hands gripped my thighs to keep me from falling

Ron looked at Hermione for confirmation and she just nodded "yeah she did..." she mumbled

"oh fred owes us a lot of money, bunny" george said with a chuckle

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