Attention 🥀part two end

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Once we were inside the house techno stopped me from going up stairs to my room. I turned to look at him.
"I wanna make sure you sleep so I'm gonna sleep with you, K?" he stated
I just nodded my head. We take off our shoes and head to my room to sleep. I didn't feel the need to cover up any bruises because of what I was wearing. Of Course they still hurt but not as much as they used to.

As Tommy drifted off to sleep, techno couldn't help but wonder why Tommy hadn't slept yet. Yes it was winter break but even Tommy still slept until 11-12. So why was that changing? Techno was pulled out of his thoughts by Tommy shifting in his sleep. Techno looked over at him, his eyes widened. Tommy had a bruise that was on his forearm. How had he not seen this? How did he not notice? Why didn't Tommy tell him? Who did this to him?! All these thoughts ran around his head but stopped when Tommy made a face of someone in distress. Technoblade hugged his baby brother tighty, forgetting about his bruises. Tommy wolk up from the pain he felt, caused by techno squeezing his bruise.
"Bubba?" Tommy whispered
"Tommy, how did you get that bruise on your forearm?" Technoblade asked
Tommy physically stiffened, Techno felt that. Silence filled the room.
"I-I um, I got into a fight. But it's ok because I'm fine now." Tommy stuttered
"You're lying." he stated harshly.
"I'm sorry.'' Tommy said barely above a whisper, laced with guilt and sorrow.
Techno felt bad for the tone of voice he used but he needed to know the truth. What was he hiding?
"Before break I was being bullied by some kids. Things started to get physical." Tommy mumbled.
"Why haven't you said anything." techno asked
Tommy didn't like where this was going. It's not like he didn't want the attention. No it was because he felt it was hard to talk about it. It had started to feel like that was since he had gotten his first ever F in all of his classes.
"Tommy?" Techno asked
Tommy had stayed quiet for too long.
"I don't know." he answered
"Are there any other injuries I should know about?" technoblade asked
Tommy nodded his head. He showed all of the bruises and told him everything that's been bothering him. Techno was filled with rage. How could they do this to him? Why didn't he tell them? Why hadn't he asked about his grades? Why couldn't Tommy speak up?
"Boys? What are you doing up so early?" Philza asked
They looked over at Philza, their dad.
"Dad, we need to have a family meeting like right now." Technoblade said
Phil looked at his children, Technoblade had a serious face and Tommy looked guilty. Phil nodded and went to go wake up his middle son Wilbur.
They were all at the dining table. Breakfast was eaten a while ago. Now they were sitting in silence, waiting for Techno to speak up.
"So techno what did you want to talk about." dadza asked
"Yeah, what?" wilbur asked
"I wanted to talk about tommy." he answered
They look at him confused.
"Tommy do you want to tell them or do you want me to?" Technoblade asked
Tommy looked down at his shoes then finally spoke up, "So I've been getting bullied n shit."
Eventually they had a long talk. The talk turned into an augment and it was getting heated.
"Tommy, why can't you say when somethings bothering you?!" phil raised his voice
"I don't know!" Tommy shouted
"Tommy what else are you hiding?!" Will basically shouted
"Why do you suddenly care, huh?! Why now that you care!? Why is it when something bad happed you fucking care, huh!? What about before! What about before the bullying? What about when you used to ask about my day? When do you even have time for me. What about when I started to get good grades? Oh wait you wouldn't know cause you didn't ask. What do I have that's special? It's always Technoblade or Wilbur! What about me!" Tommy shouted before sobbing.
"Tommy." techno started
"No! Don't you Tommy me!" he cried
Tommy stood up abruptly and ran outside, not before slipping on his shoes. He ignored the calls and shouts from his family. Tommy cried as he ran, his eyesight blurry from tears. He didn't know where he was running to but he didn't want to be there for now. Tommy found himself in a clearing, full of flowers. Tommy sat by a nearby tree, reaching for his phone.
"Not there? I must have left it at home." he thought
He stayed there for a while until it started to rain. He had to go back. Tommy started to cry again when he realised something. He didn't even know where he was, he had no way of contacting anyone. Tommy walked around finally finding a city. Tommy tried to borrow someone's phone but they didn't let him. He was beginning to give up until a man came up to him.
"Are you Tommy (random last name)?" they asked
"Yes I am." Tommy answered
The man pulled out a walkie talkie and said, "Found him."
Tommy looked at the man, taking in his appearance. He realised it was the fuzz.
"Ok tommy, please come with me." the man stated
Tommy complied with the man. They headed into a car that took them to the police station. Tommy was cold, wet and still felt like crying. He waited at the station for his family to come and get him.
When Tommy had said that and ran away only one thought ran through my head.
"My baby boy, my darling son had just ran away."
I heard my other sons calling out to him but it was kind of fuzzy. I sat down on the sofa. I started to cry.
"My little strawberry" I sobbed
Technoblade and Wilbur came up to me, they just hugged me.
"Have I really been leaving out tommy?" I thought
I wiped my tears, crying over this will not get him back.
"Call the cops if he doesn't come back in an hour." I stated
three hours had passed and Tommy still wasn't home. We had called the cops already, they told us they would call us when they found him. I looked over at my other two sons. They seem just as stressed as I do. Then I got a call. They found him!
"Boys get in the car, they found him!" I shouted
Quickly we got inside and drove off.
The three boys entered the building that held tommy. There they saw him quickly engulfing him in a hug. Tommy started to shake even more than he already was.
"I'm sorry" he cried
Phil held him close
"Let's go home." phil spoke
They had gotten into the car, philza driving, techno up front, Wilbur and Tommy in the back seats. Phil had turned up the heat for Tommy, just to keep him warm. At home Tommy was led to the bathroom by Wilbur. Tommy took a warm bath, his clothes brought by technoblade. Tommy walked down to the living room where everyone else was. He didn't want to feel alone but didn't know how to ask for someone to be there. Philza motioned for him to come closer and sit on his lap. Tommy sat in his father's lab and cried.
"I'm sorry." he cried
Techno and Wilbur went up to him and hugged their baby brother.
"Bambino, I'm sorry for yelling at you." techno apologised
"Yeah, I'm sorry as well." wilbur spoke
"Toms I'm sorry we had yelled at you, I'm sorry I was leaving you out." dadza said
They hugged it out. Boy was this a tiring day.

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