scene 3 Barry Allen

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    There was no one on the level that my lab is on in the CCPD so I sped through the last of my work so I could get home on time for once. I walked in the door and started taking off my shoes, putting my wallet and kets up when I noticed a pair of feet in front of me. I looked up and Oliver was standing in my kitchen. I ran and jumped into his arms hugging him so tightly. I have been so worried about him I had no clue when I would be able to see him next. “What are you doing here?” I asked, feeling my body overflow with excitement. 

    Ollie gave me this whole story about how I have Iris to thank for this surprise trip and how Cisco can be very annoying at times. He also was weirded out that Cisco knew about Oliver and I both being not only gay but in a relationship together. I knew Oliver would be a little thrown off when he found out that I told Cisco but hey! Cisco is my best friend, of course he is going to know about my relationship with Oliver. I do keep some things private though, no one needs to know exactly everything that goes on in our relationship. 

    Oliver and I sat down to eat dinner. He made my favorite meal, sauteed vegetables, steaks, mashed potatoes, and the special alcohol Cisco made to help me get drunk or even buzzed. The dinner was perfect and the best part was I was sharing it with the most amazing man in the entire world.  We talked all through dinner, I never cared what we talked about I just loved seeing the way he looks at me with such intensity in his eyes. 

    After We ate dinner I helped Oliver clean up the kitchen and we sat down on the couch to watch a movie. Of course Ollie picked our favorite movie to watch, he always says it’s my favorite but I know he secretly loves the movie more than any other because he is always the one to suggest it. Its cute how slick he thinks he is sometimes. I almost fell asleep on hi, while watching the movie, and i know he almost fell asleep with me as his teddy bear. 

    After the movie I was expecting Ollie to catch a bus back to Star city but he said he was spending the night. I couldn’t keep the smile on my face hidden I was so happy that I get to spend so much time with him. We went into the bedroom and started to get ready for bed. I was brushing my teeth and Oliver was just about finished with his shower. He finished up and came out with a towel around his waist. I was Jaw dropped, despite all the scars he is so handsome it blinds me. Oliver chuckled at me when he saw that he had stunned me then left to go and get dressed. 

    When I finished getting ready for bed I walked back into the bedroom from locking the doors in the apartment and saw Oliver. I wasn’t tired and I knew he wasn’t so I had an idea. I walked over to Ollie and kissed him gently and slowly kissed him harder. Oliver picked me up and laid me down on the bed. Things went on from there but that is personal business. 

The End 

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