Chapter 2: Backstory

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Age: 3

"Momma, I can do it myself!" The little girl said, nearly bouncing on her tippy-toes. Her mother chuckled.

"Do you want me to lift you up?" The taller woman leaned down to her daughter's height.


"Okay, just be careful." The little girl nodded and used one arm to booster herself up to the surface of the counter and the other with a waffle. Stretching out her hand, the girl grunted in effort to reach the toaster. Giving it another try, her fingers felt tingly, like electricity was rushing through her veins. She ignored this feeling and kept reaching for the toaster, and right before her fingers made contact, there was a bright light, and the toaster exploded.

"AHH!" The girl fell backwards into her mother's arms, who looked at her in concern.

"Honey, are you okay?" The girl's mother stared her daughter in the face.

"Momma, what was that?" The girl said. She had small tears in her wide eyes, and her index finger was slightly burnt and steaming. Her mother examined her daughter's finger and brought her over to the sink, running warm water on it. The toaster now had a smoking hole in it.

-6 Minutes Later-

"She unlocked her Quirk, just like that?" Her mother said to the taller man. Like, really tall.

"It appears so. Though it's only on rare cases that children unlock thier Quirk at such a young age." Said the taller man, also known as the small child's father. The three year old stared at the two talking, confused. Quirk? She remembers watching TV sometimes and seeing her father appear on the screen in a... Costume? She didn't understand much of anything that they were saying.

"Kanako." The small girl's father said to his daughter, kneeling down to look at Kanako at eye level.

"Yes, daddy?" Kanako stared at her father in confusion.

"I have special news for you." This caught Kanako's attention. "You have a Quirk!" Kanako's father beamed into the little girl, who only tilted her head.

"A Quirk? What's that?"

"It's basically a super power. You have your own special one." Kanako's eyes lit up.

"Like the superheroes? Can I be a superhero too?!" She began to rock on her feet, a wide grin on her face. Her father chuckled.

"If you put your mind to it and try hard enough, you can do anything."

Age: 5

Kanako's Quirk developed bit by bit over the years. Bring the first one to unlock her Quirk in her kindergarten class, she grew popular. Kanako was very happy in life, which a big group of friends, good grades in school, and caring supportive parents who were always by her side, cheering Kanako on in whatever she did. Soon, it was the night before her birthday.

"Good night mommy, good night daddy!" Kanako crawled under the purple blanket on her bed as her parents tucked her in.

"Good night sweetheart." Her mother leaned down to kiss Kanako on the forehead and left the room. Kanako closes her eyes and immediately falls asleep.

Kanako awoke to find herself cold and shivering. She couldn't feel the warmth of the blankets on her bed. Or her bed for that fact. Going into a slight panic, she opened her eyes. Kanako found herself in a dimly room with the only source of light being the slow sunrise. Realizing that she was sitting, Kanako attempted to get up. Tight ropes bound her to her chair.

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