Chapter 10: Demon Girl

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A/N: The cover art isn't mine, this is just a reference for what Dead Cross looks like

For her short stature, Dead Cross had no problem holding Midoriya down, like she was trying to bury him in the concrete.

"Wendy-Chan, you're still alive?" Midoriya struggled to say. "You went m-missing, and we never saw you again! The news said you were dead! So how..."

"Shut it." Dead Cross cut him off, pressing her foot further into Midoriya's back. He grunted under the pressure.

"Midoriya, watch out!" Todoroki shouted, and the sent an ice spike at Dead Cross. She dodged using her wings, freeing Midoriya from her grasp. He scrambled away and to the rest of us. Dead Cross, who had flown into the air, landed a couple of meters away from us.

"Thanks, Todoroki-Kun." Midoriya watched as Dead Cross focused her eyes (rather, her eye) back on us. In the distance, we heard the sounds of All Might and Nomu clashing. All Might's fighting for the sake of our lives. We have to do what we can to stop Dead Cross! Well, I guess that's gonna be hard for some of us. Katsuki and Midoriya know her already, but how? And Kirishima looked pretty concerned a second ago... Argh, whatever, now's not the time for this!

"Midoriya, Katsuki, you know her, right?" I turn to the two boys.

"I thought I told you not to call me that, dumbass!" Katsuki shouted back.

"Kacchan, don't get so mad!" Midoriya raised his voice. "Her Quirk is Demonic Reign! See those claws and the wings? Those are from her Quirk. I have a whole two pages written about the details and uses of them in my notebook. They're actually pretty versatile-"

"Just get to the point, please!" I interrupt him, and he jumps a little.

"R-right. Wendy-Chan mainly uses her claws to attack and her wings to dodge. She has the potential to really powerful, the source of her power comes from-"

"Quit yapping already, you damn nerd!" Katsuki jumped in. "All we gotta do is beat her ass, right? I've been itching for a real fight!" Katsuki smirked and ran at Dead Cross, boosting himself forward with his explosions.

"Katsuki, don't act impulsively all the time! You'll get yourself hurt sooner or later!" I shouted, but he ignored me.

"Bakugo, chill out!" Kirishima called out, the first words he's said since Dead Cross showed up.

"I am chill!" Katsuki swung is right arm at Dead Cross, making a huge explosion. The smoke covered them like a thick blanket, masking our vision of the battle. Out of the smoke, a figure flew into the air.

"Your moves are way too predictable." Dead Cross said, looking down into the smoke. Not even a second later, Katsuki propelled himself at her and she dodged, counterattacking with her claws.

"Shit!" By blasting away midair, Katsuki was able to escape with only a scratch on his arm. Why am I just standing here helplessly? Do something, for Christ's sake!

Katsuki didn't back down though. With just a second to catch his breath, he blasted at Dead Cross again. She evaded, landing back on the ground. It continued the same way for a minute or two, with Katsuki relentlessly attacking and Dead Cross dodging. Every attack seemed to wear down Katsuki, but Dead Cross was fine.

"I'm not the same weak girl you used to bully, Bakubitch." Wow, they've got some major history behind this.

Suddenly, Dead Cross's eyes started glowing a deep red.

"You're not a hero. You'll never be." She said, triggering some sort of reaction in Katsuki.

"Shut UP!" He shouted, coming straight at Dead Cross.

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