Chapter 9: Old Face, New Person

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A/N: The chapter's a long one, I hope you have the time on your hands (I may or may not have spent a biiiiit too long on it)
The character known as "Dead Cross" isn't my OC, thanks to Octogirl79 for letting me use her ^v^

The class started panicking.

"Villains?! No way!!"

"What villains'd be dumb enough to sneak in a school for heroes?" Trust me, that's what I said too. Yaoyorozu turned to Thirteen.

"Sensei. Aren't there intruder sensors?"

"Yes, of course there are..." Thirteen turned slightly, as if he was questioning our current situation.

"Did they only appear around here or the whole school?" Todoroki spoke. It was still kind of strange to hear his voice, seeing as he doesn't talk much. "Either way, if the sensors aren't responding, that means they have someone with the Quirk to do that." He has a good eye, he might be a problem later on.

"An isolated area seperated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They may be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was planned carefully with some sort of goal in mind." Everyone looked suprised at the deduction.

"Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. Those villains have to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type lowes is interfering. Kaminari, you try contacting the school with your Quirk, room." Mr. Aizawa said.

"Yessir!" Denki replied, and I could feel the change in energy in the atmosphere as he used his Quirk. With that, Mr. Aizawa jumped into the crowd, picking off the villain mob one by one. Midoriya watched memorized as he fought. Will Mr. Aizawa be able to hold off the mob? I don't think the League will just let us leave scot-free...

"This is no time for analysis. Hurry up and take shelter!" Iida told Midoriya, and he ran up to us.

"I won't let you." I heard Kurogiri's voice as a warp gate appeared before us, stopping us in our tracks. "Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains." He's trying to be nice in this situation? For god's sake, he's gonna split us up and torture us to death.

"It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath." Kurogiri paused for a second, scanning the crowd. "All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?" His eyes locked with mine, and I tried to signal to him with only them.

All Might's not here! Just go back already, there's nothing to do here! I thought, the words inside my head desperate. Everyone else stood on guard, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

"Well, that is neither here nor there. This is the part I am to play." Kurogiri turned back to the class, and in a split second, Thirteen aimed his finger at him, ready to use his Quirk but Kirishima and Bakugo attacked. Complete and utter dumbasses. Don't get yourselves killed!

"Not if we end you first!" Kirishima shouted, his hardened arm up for another attack. "Betcha didn't see that coming!!"

"That was close... Yes... Students though you may be, you are the best of the best." Somehow, Kurogiri evaded the attack, and focused his sharp yellow eyes back on us.

"No, move away, you two!" Thirteen shouted at the boys.

"My job is to scatter you all and torture you to death!" Wow, what a spot on guess earlier. I couldn't help thinking as Kurogiri encased us in his warp gate, blinding us. Wait, does that include me? I heard screams, and Kurogiri's warp spat me out in a different place.

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