Chapter 3: League of Villains

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Age: 5

"News Flash! Haruto Kawasaki, better known as Pro Hero Kinzoku does after a catastrophic villain attack. His wife and daughter are filled with sorrow. Even though he died, his legacy will still live on. He saved many people, and they will be forever grateful. Rest in peace, number seven hero. Now, let us give a moment of silence to all of those we lost."

The tv droned on about the past night's events. Kanako sat in front of the tv and sniffled. She hadn't even realized that she was crying. Kanako's mother puller her into a warm embrace.

"Shhhh... Don't cry, baby." She said, rubbing Kanako's back and kissing her head. Kanako squeezed the metal flower that her father made for her in her hand. They stayed like that for a couple more minutes.

"I invited Denki and your aunt and uncle over. I figured you could use some company." Kanako's mother said to her daughter, and she raised her head.

"R-really?" Kanako sniffled hopefully. Her mother gave her a small smile.

"They'll be coming at 6, so find something to wear." Kanako nodded, slowly standing up. She and Denki Kaminari were close cousins, like two peas in a pod. Their mother's we're sisters, and the Kaminaris often came over to Kanako's house.

-Timeskip to 6 P.M. Family Dinner, brought to you by smol Kanako-

"We heard what happened! Oh my goodness, are you guys okay?!" Mrs. Kaminari rushed in as soon as Kanako's mother opened the front door. Her sister tackled her before she could get a chance to talk.

"I'm so sorry, Akari! I wish I was there to do something! I've been so worried about you two, I mean, I know it's only been a day but- oh my goodness the poor child" Kanako's aunt said in one big breath, letting go of Kanako's mom and leaning down to hug Kanako. The poor child nearly suffocated in her aunt's chest.

"Kana-Chan!" A small boy with bright yellow hair and a black streak in the shape of a lighting bolt walked out from behind his mother. He was smiling. Upon seeing him, Kanako's dull amethyst eyes instantly lit up.

"Denki-Kun!" Kanako grinned. She wiggled her way out of her aunt's grasp and ran over to Denki. His father chuckled and the grown-up started a conversation with each other.

"Come on, let's watch tv!" Kanako smiled, dragging Denki along with her to the couch, picking up the remote.

"Don't get comfortable, dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes." Kanako's mom called out from the kitchen.

"Okay, Auntie Akari!" Denki said, sitting next to Kanako on the couch and they watched Disney channel. Or something.

-Timeskip to the end of dinner and the Kaminaris are leaving, brought to you by energetic kid Denki-

"Thank you for dinner, Akari." Mr. Kaminari thanked Akari as the Kaminaris walked out the door.

"Bye bye Denki-Kun!" Kanako says, and Denki turns his head and smiles, waving back to her.

"See you at school, Kana-Chan!"

-Present Time-

Age: 13

"Kawasaki, are you sleeping in class again?" My head snapped up at the sound of my teacher's voice. "This is the third time today!"

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