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Blaine pumped his legs a fast as he could in hopes he would get as high on the swing as he possibly could. He was 11 years old. His brother hadn't been home for a year, since last Christmas. Blaine had missed him, his house was lonely with his parents barely there. He practically raised himself. Having to catch the bus everyday for school. After Cooper moved out of the house, the family moved into a different neighbourhood, a larger house since both his parents were working. His mother a business owner and his father a successful lawyer having taken his father and mother's company up- Blaine's grandparents.

He was grinning he could almost see the whole playground, he swung back and forth a huge smile on his face. It was his favourite park, he had discovered it two days after he moved to his new house.

When he finally began to slow back down deciding he wanted to go to the monkey bars on the far side, did he finally notice a young boy in front of him.

Chestnut almost closer to brown hair, he was relatively tall, but most likely only two or so inches taller than himself. He frowned skidding his feet across the ground until he came to a halting stop. He glanced around quickly noticing nobody else was around anymore. Had a really been swinging for that long?

"Your hair is curly." The boy said arms crossed over his chest. Blaine stood up from the swing lightly touching his hair self consciously. "And your short!"

"I'm not short!"

"Yes you are." He grinned. "I'm tall." He proudly stood there.

"Has anyone ever told you, your mean?" Blaine asked curiously.

"Had anyone ever told you that your a baby?"

"No." Blaine said scratching his head slightly as if trying to recall if anyone ever had.



"My name idiot. I'm Sebastian." The boy, Sebastian was his name nudged his shoulder when Blaine seemed to daze off.

Blaine quickly looked back over at him suddenly remembering someone standing there. "Oh, Blaine."

"Good too meet you." Sebastian answered. "Let's go play on the tire swing."

"Alright." Blaine agreed.

Blaine shook his thoughts, at McKinley High School came into his view. He hadn't talked to Sebastian- the guy who had been his best friend since he was fifteen. He parked his motorcycle in a free parking spot and hopped off. He glanced at his watch and pulled out a cigarette- he sighed- his last one. He lit it up and inhale a puff before inhaling it out.

He rolled his eyes when he noticed the cheerleader heading towards him. His eye was still slightly black and purple, the swelling having gone down quite a bit since the other day.



"Whatcha doing out here all alone? Looking so pretty?"

Blaine chuckled rolling his eyes. He wasn't going to back down was he?

"I'm having a smoke before I go into the hell hole." Blaine drawer out another exhale of smoke, watching the cheerleader cough and wave his hands around. Blaine chuckled. "What do you want anyway?"

"Nothing- nothing." Kurt responded, he glanced around and when he noticed nobody looking he leaned into Blaine, his breathe hot on his ear, and whispered. "I think I could help you relieve some of that school stress."

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