Ch 19

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2 Weeks Later

Ring Ring, Ring

Blaine frowned, rolling his eyes at the sound of his phone ringing. Especially because nobody ever called him. Not even he and Kurt exchanged very many phone calls. Mostly texting if anything. Blaine lit up his cigarette, as he answered. Not even paying attention to the caller ID.



Blaine furrowed his eyebrows, taking a long drag from his cigarette. He truly didn't want to speak to them. Not now and frankly not ever.


"We have an important meeting coming up. We need you boys there."

"Cooper and I?" Blaine huffed. "No you don't, you just want us to be there so that your little pathetic family looks like it's functioning and that we all love each other." Blaine snapped, exhaling the cigarette smoke out.

"Blaine. Sweetheart-"

"You don't get to call me sweetheart. In fact nobody does." Blaine smirked devilishly. "Except for when my hot boyfriend calls me it in bed."

"Blaine Anderson!! You smarten up right now! Don't be speaking such foolish words."

Blaine rolled his eyes once again. "Whatever."

"Just be here by supper time Friday night." His mother informed him, clearly getting annoyed. "And bring Cooper!"

"Mhm." Blaine replied hanging up the phone before she could answer. He couldn't believe his own parents, they were simply assholes, with no common sense, Blaine had figured that out soon rather than later. He slipped his phone back into his pocket, and walked back into the school, going to look for Kurt, who know doubt was probably eating in the cafeteria with the Cheerios.

He took his seat beside him, and had to refrain himself from devouring Kurt right then and there- considering he looked positively sexy in his uniform more than usual. Kurt smiled at him, biting his lip nervously.

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Nothing! Nothing!" Kurt said quickly, adverting his eyes away from Blaine. Blaine raised an eyebrow, pressing a finger to the boys chin and gently pulling him until he was looking at him. "Okay fine."

"Good. What's going on? Everything okay?"

Kurt sighed. "You know how we were talking about college a couple weeks ago?"

"Of course." Blaine nodded. He definitely remembered.

"Well, my dad wants me to go to New York, tour the schools and get an idea of what New York is like and all.."

"Okay.." Blaine said unsure.

"And I want you to come with me!" Kurt breathed out. "I want you to experience it with me."


"Only if you want to- I know it's sudden as it's already this weekend but I have my ticket and Dad said he would buy you one-"

"I-I want to Kurt, but I'm busy." Blaine sighed running a hand through his hair. "I really do, but I've got something that came up this weekend, and I can't."


"I'm really sorry Kurt."

"No- no it's fine! Don't worry about me." Kurt said, he tried to smile, he really did but it more came out as a grimace which caused him to cringe.

"Maybe another time." Blaine said. "I'll make it up to you."

Kurt smiled nodding. "Okay."

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